Martel. Raymondie holds its theater festival

Martel. Raymondie holds its theater festival
Martel. Raymondie holds its theater festival

From October 3 to 6, Raymondie will open its doors to the third theater festival where the Compagnie des 3 Clous Martelais will present “Martel goes to the theater”.

This year, the festival is expanding by welcoming, in addition to the professional company “La Strada” of the Théo Théâtre de , regional companies. For this 2024 edition, the godmother of the project is Florence Fouere, director of Théo Théâtre, and nominated several times for P’tits Molières.

On the program, six performances. The premiere will take place Thursday October 3 at 9 p.m.: “Woman moves” by and by Mylène Lormier.

Friday October 4 at 3 p.m., “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by the La Strada Company will be reserved for schools. At 9 p.m.: “At my age, I still hide to smoke” by the Rionnet theater workshops.

Saturday October 5 at 3 p.m.: “Charlot guide Michelin” by Anthony Champeil and at 9 p.m.: “Si tu moi un verre” by the company Fauteuils et Strapontins.

Last performance Sunday October 6 at 3 p.m.: “5th floor” by the company I have a dream and the company La Strada.

Prices: adults €12; under 16s, students and Les Trois Clous members €10; free for children under 12; special opening on Thursday October 3, €10; show for young audiences Saturday afternoon €8; adult pass for 4 shows €40.



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