Sylvie Marletta talentedly combines writing and the arts

Sylvie Marletta talentedly combines writing and the arts
Sylvie Marletta talentedly combines writing and the arts

La Biterroise runs writing workshops in various places in Béziers, notably at Ostals du Capus, at Maison Cordier and at the Fayet museum.

Since last year, Biterroise Sylvie Marletta has been running writing workshops in various places in Béziers, notably at Ostals du Capus, at Maison Cordier and at the Fayet museum.

It has been four years since this former journalist settled in the town of Riquet. Having lost her initial job, she reoriented herself professionally by completing a diploma in leading writing workshops at Paul-Valéry University. “It was a link between my job as a journalist and my artistic side”she smiled.

Sylvie has been practicing creative activities for a long time, particularly as a visual artist and actress. She thinks of the workshops she offers as special moments, bordering on art therapy. “These are moments of sharing and conviviality, open to all, both experienced writers and those who are not used to writing. My role is to stimulate their creativity. Some are surprised by their works . I realized that there was a great demand. However, this activity is not very well known, it suffers from a dusty image. For her, it is not necessary to have an impeccable level of French to participate. “I am not a teacher, I do not track down spelling or syntax errors. The goal is to help participants reveal themselves and know themselves better.” The next meeting will take place this Wednesday, October 2 at the Fayet museum.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 46 32 13 96.

By reservation, at the rate of €5. Furthermore, every second Tuesday of the month, she welcomes participants to Maison Cordier for a session specifically focused on life stories and autobiography. Contact: 06 11 30 76 52.


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