Emilie Fanich reveals a constraint imposed on her by her summer vacation destination

Today at 06:00 – by
Sorelle Again

Tuesday June 25, Emilie Fanich, revealed in the show Large families: life in XXLconfided in her somewhat unusual choice of vacation for the summer.

The start of the summer vacation is almost here. In just a few days, all pupils and students will hang up their school bags to take advantage of the summer period. However, for XXL tribes, organizing this period can quickly become a headache. This is the case for Marie-Caroline and Guillaume Cail. Tuesday June 25, the mother confided in her “organisation fragile” for the month of July, during which she and her husband will have to juggle the daily presence of their six toddlers and their professional obligations. On the side of the Fanichs, former participants of the docu-reality Large families: life in XXL, the summer period generates much less stress. On Instagram, Franck’s wife returned to the subject.

Emilie Fanich (Large families): this constraint imposed on him by his destination for the summer holidays

On Tuesday, June 25, in an Instagram story, Emilie Fanich discussed a subject that greatly interests her fans: organizing her summer vacation with her nine children.We’re leaving for two weeks. We’ll go to two different campsites in the Var. Then we’ll go to the mountains to do our hikes.“, confided Franck’s wife. However, this second destination imposes some constraints.”We will only stay four days in the mountains, no more than that. It will already be huge. […] I know we’re going to be cold in the tents at night. So now I’ve put all the duvets in the wash. I’ve bought some more fleeces for the kids and I think I’m going to buy some really warm pajamas for the little ones, because we’ll be sleeping in a tent. We’ll only spend one night in a hostel.” explained Emilie.

The Fanichs (Large families): why was the work on their swimming pool delayed?

For more than four years, Franck and Emilie Fanich have worked hard to create the house of their dreams. If the majority of the work undertaken by the couple has already reached its end, one of the last projects still in progress has fallen a little behind schedule. On June 14, on Instagram, the mother revealed the reason: “The small pool, well the small pool… The big pool, it’s still there. It’s still waiting. We’re going to finish it but with the weather we’ve had in the last few days, it was a little complicated because we had to make the technical room for the pool. With the rain that was falling, it wasn’t possible. So there it is, it’s going to be finished.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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