Disney is taking a beating! I saw episode 5 of The Boys Season 4 and it was carnage, this revelation of the Gen V series finally has its importance

Disney is taking a beating! I saw episode 5 of The Boys Season 4 and it was carnage, this revelation of the Gen V series finally has its importance
Disney is taking a beating! I saw episode 5 of The Boys Season 4 and it was carnage, this revelation of the Gen V series finally has its importance

With the release of a new episode of season 4 of The Boys every Thursday, the weeks immediately have a better flavor. From now on, we are embarking on a second part of the season that is daunting and full of promise! Does episode 5 live up to the butchery done by Homelander the previous time? Yes, it’s still just as much carnage in this season and, on top of that, it’s very funny. I saw episode 5 and I’m telling you about it! Be careful not to get spoiled: we have warned you!

Casually, this fourth season of The Boys is going by at a crazy speed while we have been waiting for it for almost two years. While these new episodes (the first three) have taken their time to set the big twists of this season, We felt the pace start to pick up with the release of episode 4.. A portion which showed us that Homelander was indeed the psychopath he thought he was and that this season 4 was really going to start with a very crazy second part like the Amazon Prime Video series has had the secret for five years now. After the conclusion of the first part of season 4 last Thursday, we were clearly impatient to know if we were going to be entitled to a new episode of equivalent quality to the previous one. Now that we’ve watched it, we can tell you: we didn’t notice the time passing, it was both hilarious and a real butchery! In addition, we even had the right to a very important link with the derivative series Gen V and to a Ryan who risks following in his father’s footsteps… And we’re not talking about Butcher!

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Season 4 of The Boys continues to satirize the series: this time, it’s Disney that’s targeted and it’s very funny

Since we have been following the series The Boys, we have always been used to seeing her touch on every possible subject imaginable or to make fun more or less subtly of a whole bunch of things. In this fourth season, we see that the series does not hesitate to mock the subject of politics, religious fanaticism, conspiracies and other conspiracy theories but it is not limited only to that. Right from the start of this episode, she put her foot in it by targeting Disney.. Yes, even the big-eared firm is not spared, it must be said that it is already the source of a lot of criticism in our reality, so suffice to say that it is a blessing for the series that is doing it here his scapegoat.

I have to admit that it’s particularly funny and comical to see Vought International imitating Disney’s D23 conference, called here V-52 Expo and having the slogan ” By the fans, for the fans ». Behind this facade, we feel the entire mercantile dimension of the company, its extremely smooth communication which seeks at all costs to adapt to all audiences out of pure capitalist spirit. An avalanche of series, a shovelful of films, precise presentations and a huge powerpoint which takes up the codes of Marvel Cinematic Universe from Disney with its extended schedule through a visual presenting phases 7 to 10 where each hero has the right to his franchise and even… to his Multiverse.

For once, I really found it funny, even if, as we said, it sometimes lacks subtlety. But I reassure you, there are still some and certain references, neither seen nor known, such as this allusion to the filmography of Noah Baumbach (director of The Squid and the Whale (The Berkmans separatein VF)) by The Deep, hit the mark and made us laugh honestly. Beyond being caustic, being a real butcher – and not necessarily through the character we expected – and to show us that Homelander could well make Ryan a real psychopath, this episode had a very particular importance. More particularly because he finally makes the link… with the series Gen V !

It was madness in episode 5 of season 4! The Boys is always gory and funny, and sometimes both at the same time

Has Homelander really put his past behind him after the events of episode 4? Well, for my part, I always found him just as tortured… and manipulative. Because of this, he decided to change his tune with Ryan. In order to rally him to his cause, he tells him about his past, the manipulations he was the victim of and makes him understand that he will never do that with him again. The problem is that he is totally doing the opposite! We see that he is operating an insidious manipulation with Ryan who does not notice anything and when we know to what extent Homelander is a narcissistic character who is afraid of falling into oblivion, we can see a way for him to continue through his son. Well, we don’t know what he’s up to, but after this episode, I’m thinking that it really doesn’t smell good and that it could interfere with his rapprochement with Butcher…

In short, if we put the Homelander case aside, we feel that the end of this season 4 could turn into a real massacre because we feel that the camp of the Seven is not so united as that. Without revealing any plot details of this episode, I wonder if the character of Sister Sage will have a role to play at the end of the season. We are talking about the smartest superhero in the world and it is hard to believe that she does not suspect certain things that are happening right before her eyes… After this episode, I must say that this second part of the season keeps us in suspense, in particular by finally making the link with the outcome of the first season of Gen V. In this case, we saw Butcher who learned of the existence of a virus capable of killing the Sups (the English name given to the superheroes in the series). Now, he and his gang will do everything to get their hands on it, even if it means finding themselves facing animals stuffed with Compound V.

If this fifth episode seemed so cool to me, it’s because it showed me that the series still had this ” what the fuck »offering us a passage with carnivorous chickens as aggressive as those that can attack Link when he teases them a little too much in the games of the license The Legend of Zelda. At the end of the day, The Boys does not change its formula and manages to remain as stupid and gory as in its beginnings, and this is obviously what we expect from it. In terms of carnage, between the mutant animals and the hospitalization that turns into chaos, we’ve had our fill this week. Can’t wait for episode 6!

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