Adixia and Simon Féraud eliminated from the competition? A clue slipped into the credits

Today at 12:34 – by
Sophie Bongart

In the last episodes of Apprentice Champions, nothing is going well between Simon Féraud and Adixia. The couple, who recently got married on TV, threaten to quit the competition during the elimination ceremony.

If the competition rages in the last episodes of the Apprentice Champions, love stories fascinate viewers just as much. Vivian, who joined the adventure to replace Simon Castaldi, recovering from an injury, quickly expressed her interest in Soraya, who welcomed this attention with pleasure. For Simon Féraud and Adixia, the adventure takes a dramatic turn. Indeed, the newlywed couple is put to the test, largely because of the provocations of Simon Castaldi, Adixia’s ex.

Two candidates decide to leave

The last episode of Apprentice Champions began with a shock announcement from Simon Castaldi: Bastos left the adventure due to persistent insomnia which was affecting his well-being. In fact, the candidate had not slept for four days and felt anxious. Lisa-Marie, his flirt in the adventure, very affected by this departure, expressed her disappointment and anger. Subsequently, Samy also decided to leave the competition. The former tempter explained that the environment attacked his morale. Nikola Lozina supported his decision, saying that Samy was not used to this kind of experience and that his departure was the best option for him.

Simon Féraud and Adixia leave the competition to save their relationship?

Despite the departure of Bastos, the yellow team wins the javelin event hands down. In the opposing camp, Nikola Lozina describes himself as “ball that makes your team lose” and offers to leave. Before voting, Simon Féraud, who wishes to save his relationship, in danger since the tensions with Castaldi, announces that he prefers to sacrifice himself. However, there is no question of leaving Adixia alone in the adventure. “It’s my birthday tomorrow, I want to be with my friends”, Adixia imposes on him. “That’s not a nice gift!” The dreaded moment of the elimination ceremony takes place at the end of the new episode. And in the end credits, Adixia and her husband are no longer present with their comrades in the locker room. A clue which reveals that the bride and groom have made the choice to save their relationship and leave Les Apprentis Champions together.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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