Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large families) reveals the amount she spent to restore a corner of her home

Today at 8:30 p.m. – by
Clara Pouvil

This Monday, June 24, in Large families: life in XXL on TF1, Ludovica Tuzzoli called on her husband’s ex, Aurélie, to help him do work in the apartment. The two women bought materials to restore a corner of the home, revealing the amount of the costs in the process.

On June 19, the program Large families: life in XXL made its return to TF1 with the broadcast of new episodes. The opportunity for viewers to see the emblematic tribes of the show again, in particular the Tuzzoli who invited the cameras to follow their move to larger accommodation. Unfortunately, shortly after their arrival, Ludovica and Grégory Tuzzoli realized that many things were wrong. In particular, there are bedbugs which make their lives hell. “I got devoured in every way. Plus, I’m allergic to it. I have patches on my neck, stomach, legs. I have them everywhere!” she confided in the episode broadcast on June 20 on TF1.

Large families : Ludovica Tuzzoli calls on her husband’s ex to deal with problems in her new home

This Monday, June 24, in the new episode of Large families: life in XXL broadcast on TF1, Ludovica Tuzzoli spoke about her ordeal. “I’m exhausted, I’m starting to get discouraged between the big problems we encounter around the apartment: the blocked pipes, the hot water that works very poorly, the bedbugs and we also have the stairs that need to be redoneand the pompom on the cherry is that we are still waiting for the sofa“, she said. To try to get out of it, she called on Aurélie, her husband’s ex, who did not fail to react to her discomfort. “I feel Ludovica disappointed, I feel her a little disappointed, then that’s what, we have to put things into perspective“, she said in his presence.

Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large families) reveals the budget necessary for the restoration of its staircase

While waiting for the plumber for the pipes, Ludovica Tuzzoli wanted to take care of the stairs that go up to her children’s bedroom. To do this, she would like to place carpet on each of the steps and repaint it in its entirety. With Aurélie, she went to a specialized store to buy the carpet that will allow her to carry out her project. Once at the checkout, the amount of your purchase was displayed: 41,70 euros. “For a small piece of carpet, I want to say that it’s not cheap, but it had to be done. It’s for the comfort of the children, it’s obligatory“, she confided. The two women then went to Grégory’s workplace to buy paint. Once back, they wanted to repaint the staircase before realizing that they had to wait 48 hours for the paint to dry. This plan will therefore have to be postponed until later.

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