With “No Pasaran”, 20 rappers attack the National Rally without filter

With “No Pasaran”, 20 rappers attack the National Rally without filter
With “No Pasaran”, 20 rappers attack the National Rally without filter
YouTube screenshot Fianso in the title “No Pasaran” against the RN, song released on July 1, 2024.

YouTube screenshot

Fianso in the title “No Pasaran” against the RN, song released on July 1, 2024.

RAP – Punchline after punchline, the National Rally is taking a beating. The day after the far-right party came out on top in the first round of the legislative elections, a collective of about twenty rappers released a track on Monday, July 1, attacking the RN and its representatives. And the artists don’t mince their words.

The song entitled “No Pasaran” (“They will not pass”) scrolls through the lyrics written by each of the rappers who recite them in turn. Among them: Fianso, ISK, Zola, Pit Baccardi, Cokein, Ashe 22, UZI, RK, Alkpote, Akhenaton, Kore, Nahir, Seth Gueko, Demi portion, Soso Maness…

Fianso is the first to launch as you can listen to below. “Finger in the air for the cistes-ra/CNews in the blind spot/Shakes and tremors/Fuck the Gathering”says the 37-year-old rapper. He ends his passage by « Jordan is dead / Jordan is dead ».

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Comments that could lead to prosecution? Producer Ramdane Touhami explains to Parisian that everything has been thought of: “It’s a reference to the moment when Cédric Doumbé, the MMA champion, won his match [contre Jordan Zebo, NDLR] and that the whole stadium, including Mbappé, had chanted Jordan, you’re dead. If we don’t have the reference, we could believe that we are threatening Jordan Bardella, but we can justify ourselves. The goal was to play with the limits and make references.

“I propose an octagon to Bardella”

The song continues, with references to drugs, immigration, and even police violence. “I propose an octagon to Bardella/But the dope will come up from Marbella (…)/Every day fuck the RN”Zola spits in turn.

“We are not different but falsely different/Not different but we must differentiate/Get up, go and vote, we must not remain seated when we are France, these bastards, they are…/ When we are France, these bastards, they are sawn off/Your racist thoughts, go and put them in your ass”, Kerchak, who calls for a vote for the left, raps.

While some like Uzi admit to not knowing or understanding anything about elections, they still call for a barrier to the RN. Nahir, for his part, emphasizes: “They forget that Deschamps won the World Cup with the sons of immigrants/Values ​​that are being lost, it’s a mess/I have to give my opinion/Whoever wants to send back the dar-blé/Tell him to start with Tanguy David.”

The music continues in this manner for more than nine minutes. Ramdane Touhami explains that he had the idea with DJ Kore just after the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron. “Two or three hours after our request, some were already in the studio”he says to Parisian. All revenues generated from this title will be donated to the Abbé Pierre Foundation.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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