Carla and Bérénice make a worrying discovery (episode 959)

Here It All Begins episode 959 of Wednesday July 3, 2024 – Carla and Bérénice enter Paul’s secret room and make a rather disturbing discovery. So, what is it about? Answer below…

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The summer arch of the series Here it all begins
promises to be full of twists and turns. In recent episodes, Rose, Constance, Carla and Bérénice have settled into Paul Garnier’s sublime villa. But they are not the only guests who have settled into this haven of peace. Taking a dim view of her mother and Paul’s relationship, Carla secretly invited Jasmine, Jim, Souleymane and Bérénice to join her. As a result, this surprise angered Rose. But it does not seem to have upset Paul, who kindly offered to let the students stay with him all summer. This excess of generosity has aroused Carla’s suspicions even more. She is now convinced that he is hiding a secret, and the least we can say is that she has good reason to be suspicious. And for good reason, in episode 958, we discover that Paul has a firearm in his possession…

And it doesn’t stop there! Because in a video excerpt from episode 959 broadcast by TF1+Carla and Bérénice are going to discover Paul’s hidden side. After several attempts, Rose’s daughter and her girlfriend manage to enter the host’s secret room. It is a gigantic office. While Carla rummages through the papers, Bérénice remains fixed on the wall in front of her. And for good reason, several firearms are hanging there. The two young women can’t believe their eyes. Carla says to Bérénice:
“I absolutely have to warn my mother, this guy is dangerous.” Before leaving, Carla takes a photo of the evidence. But what they don’t know is that a video surveillance camera is monitoring their every move…

Video Excerpt Here it all begins: Paul’s terrifying secret!

Why is Paul hiding all these weapons? How will Rose react when she learns the truth about her boyfriend? And what will the consequences be for the two young women? Answers in the rest of the series Here it all begins.



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