Maria (L’amour est dans le pré) gives her honest opinion on Michel Drucker… and it doesn’t work

Maria (L’amour est dans le pré) gives her honest opinion on Michel Drucker… and it doesn’t work
Maria (L’amour est dans le pré) gives her honest opinion on Michel Drucker… and it doesn’t work

On her TikTok account, on which she speaks regularly, Maria from L’amour est dans le pré, attacked the host Michel Drucker, on June 6, 2024.

Screenshot Love is in the meadow / M6

Maria marked season 18 of Love is in the meadow, broadcast on M6. Jean-Paul’s suitor, she had started a relationship with the farmer. Unfortunately, the latter behaved in a way that he did not like and their story quickly ended. From now on, Maria gives her news quite regularly on the social network TikTok, where she has more than 227,000 subscribers. A popularity that she owes in particular to her positions, such as on June 6, 2024, where she spoke about the host Michel Drucker. According to Maria, the star of the show Looking forward to Sunday should consider retiring.

“Enjoy life, you have enough money”

In her video, the former candidate of Love is in the meadow states: “This message is addressed to Mr. Michel Drucker. You are 80 years old, you have worked all your life, you still want to present something this summer [un évènement sportif, NDLR], you have health concerns. Enjoy your family! Rest ! Stop working! You have given enough, even if your work is a pleasure, stop!”. A very clear opinion that she continued to detail: “You don’t realize, 80 years! Go on vacation, get a tan, I don’t know! You have given enough. I like you but there comes a time when you have to say stop.” Other personalities also took it for their rank: “It’s like Jean-Pierre Foucault and all those old animators. Enjoy life, you have enough money. Give your place to young people. Don’t worry, you are unforgettable. Finally Michel Drucker, take Dany for a ride!”.

Not everyone likes Maria’s position

Obviously, all this unpacking did not please everyone and some Internet users quickly came to the defense of Michel Drucker. In another video posted on TikTok, Maria even took the time to respond to a negative comment which read: “You might have to calm down with Drucker. Who are you to talk about retirement? How rotten you can be!”. But nothing to impress Maria, who definitely doesn’t have her tongue in her pocket.



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