The year 2025 is off to a flying start. And if Doctor Jimmy Mohamed is there to guide you towards a better diet, Jamy Gourmaud has an anecdote on almost every subject. All delivered in the form of an almanac 365 new days with Jamy – We learn something every day (ed. Epicurieux). And in this month of January, a tradition will not fail to attract you all to the bakery, it is Epiphany and its delicious galette des rois. On this gourmet subject, the star of the Epicurieux channel, YouTube channel which has a community of 10M subscribers on the networks, has lots of things to teach us. In particular, there is one with a particularity of its own: a pancake that never has any beans. But who is it reserved for?
Well This is the galette of the kings of the Elysée. This is what the former host of It’s not rocket science on M6, in his very comprehensive work. “Every year, an equality cake is served there. In France, the monarchy was abolished in 1848 and the Elysée Palace, residence of the President of the Republic, symbolizes this change of regime. This tradition was established by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing in 1975.“, says Jamy Gourmaud in the pages of 365 new days with Jamy – We learn something new every day. “The opportunity to highlight the know-how of the kings of the cake: the bakers and pastry chefs“, he adds.
What is the secret of puff pastry?
In this episode of the galette des rois, the scientific popularizer also reveals to us the secret of puff pastry. “In a word: touring! A folding and ‘turning’ technique which allows you to obtain crispy and airy puff pastry. The pastry chef folds the tempera (a mixture of flour, water and salt) onto a plate of butter of the same thickness. Using a roller, he spreads it out, folds it on itself, rotates it a quarter turn, lets it rest in the refrigerator, then starts again… six times! It thus creates the famous flaky layers. And it’s far from being a piece of cake!“, shares Jamy Gourmaud.