For several weeks, speculation has been rife about possible future peace talks (illustrative image).Image:
The American-European proposal in the event of peace notably includes a postponement of Ukraine’s membership in NATO as well as the mobilization of a peacekeeping contingent. But it does not meet Russian requirements.
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Russia is opposed to a possible deployment of a European contingent in Ukraine in the event of peace with Moscow, declared its head of diplomacy. Europeans and Americans are already thinking about the post-conflict period.
“We are certainly not satisfied with the proposals made on behalf of the representatives of the president-elect’s team (American Donald Trump, editor’s note) aimed at postponing Ukraine’s accession to NATO for 20 years, as well as introducing a peacekeeping contingent made up of ‘British and European forces’ in Ukraine,” Lavrov told the Russian news agency State Tass published Monday by the ministry.
For several weeks, speculation has been rife about possible future peace talks, after nearly three years of conflict which has left hundreds of thousands dead and injured.
Among the ideas explored by the European chancelleries and Washington, that of the deployment of a European military contingent in Ukraine, along the front line which extends over some 1000 km.
Disengagement of the United States
This hypothesis, discussed between French leaders Emmanuel Macron and Polish leaders Donald Tusk in Warsaw in mid-December, could involve the armies of NATO member countries, or even possessors of nuclear weapons, such as France and the United Kingdom.
“It is obviously premature to talk (…) about peacekeepers,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov noted on December 16.
Europeans fear a disengagement of the United States in the conflict in Ukraine, or even pressure from Washington for an agreement to the detriment of kyiv, with the return of Donald Trump to the White House on January 20.
The American president-elect called for an “immediate ceasefire”, vowing to be able to obtain a peace agreement “in twenty-four hours”, without ever detailing his plan.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, said he wanted more arms deliveries and security guarantees from his Western allies before any negotiations with Moscow.
Vladimir Putin, for his part, still demands the surrender of Ukraine, its renunciation of membership in NATO and that Russia keeps the Ukrainian territories that it has annexed. (ats)
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