From pressure against Mauritania to delaying tactics against Morocco at the UN

From pressure against Mauritania to delaying tactics against Morocco at the UN
From pressure against Mauritania to delaying tactics against Morocco at the UN

By Hassan Alaoui

From this Thursday, January 2, Algeria chairs the work of the UN Security Council under the annual rotation regulations for non-permanent member countries. It will therefore sit alongside the United States, , Great Britain, China and Russia. The Algerian government does not hide its ambitions to take advantage of this co-presidency within the highest body of the United Nations to influence its work with regard to the question of the Moroccan Sahara, certainly forgetting the results of the last vote of October 30 2004 which definitively buried its delaying tactics.

Events follow one another but are not alike. If they cover several theaters, on the other hand they have one main actor among all, the same one who plays the disruptor and the incurable destabilizer: the military regime of Algiers. Never has tension been as extreme and even explosive as it is today. We have never been so taken aback by so many provocations. The outbreak of fever which is gripping the Algerian military is unprecedented, all the more worrying as it risks having consequences: attacks against Mauritania are increasing, those launched against the Kingdom of Morocco are inaugurating the cycle of provocations. capable of inciting, as has been constantly said, to open war. More than a desire to the casualty of warit is indeed a direct provocation, on the borders of the Kingdom with their deliberate violation.

It is appropriate to draw judicious lessons from this new context, and first to identify two lines of analysis: the military dimension and that of diplomacy, both actively implemented by the Algerian military power which never ends to have been held in check for several months now. We are actually witnessing, as they say, a splendid isolation of Algeria which, like the hunted beast, reacts with desperate brutality to the events for which, however, it is the sole and sole responsible. Namely the irascible desire of its leaders to tame, at the very least dominate the region and impose their diktat, in the malicious spirit of expansionism which has continued to animate their sinister vision and characterize their policy since independence in July 1962.

In what can be described today as the bankruptcy of the Algerian regime, there is the trivial reflex, a panicked fear of creating an external enemy, of presenting him, with hostile propaganda helping, as the real root cause of its failures. the most patent and repetitive, the fabrication of hatred as the driving force of a mobilization which, from year to year, ends up on the one hand deceiving the Algerian people themselves, but on the other hand forces us, the rest of us, to become aware of this dangerous drift and, reluctantly, to prepare ourselves for the worst.

Read also: Algeria-Mali: The diplomatic rupture looms

To tell the truth, ” the enemy », additionally adorned with the adjective “ historical » is obviously the Kingdom of Morocco which Boukharrouba, alias Boumediene, liked to deride and mock even its very existence. Nothing is less certain, however, in this disturbing sequence of our days than the return to reason of a military regime which has inscribed on its frontispiece the destruction of Morocco. The disasters of current Algeria are far from being able to serve as arguments for a return to reason or awareness of the dangers that such behavior entails. It was Goya who said that “ the sleep of Reason breeds monsters »…It was a long time ago, in fact, that the Algerian leaders – if indeed it ever crossed their minds or simply existed among them – had lost Reason.

The spirit of denial, as Goethe said, clearly constituted the basis of their policy in the broad sense of the term: denial of the precious support that the Moroccan people gave them in the worst moments of their history, of the solidarity that our country showed them. , sacrifices – yes immense sacrifices! – that we had agreed for them, territorial, human, diplomatic, even military and so on…It is no exaggeration to affirm here the precious and incomparable commitment of Morocco – starting with that of Sultan Mohammed V – towards Algeria, facing France and its categorical refusal to negotiate with the latter’s government the retrocession of the territories of eastern Morocco – Tindouf, Bechar, Saoura, Gourara, Tidikelt and all the Sahara – arbitrarily offered to Algeria and whose Archives attest to their total and integral belonging to the Kingdom of Morocco.

Of course, this injustice done to our country awaits to be repaired sooner or later! However, this Algeria which has seen its territory multiplied by ten if not more, to the detriment of Morocco, Libya and even Tunisia, still displays its ignoble irredentism and wants to further conquer Moroccan Western Sahara, because playing to continental power, it intends to access the Atlantic, even if it means crushing both sister Mauritania and Morocco.

Oil, gas in abundance and today the expensive weapons which seriously burden its budgets are not enough, never enough to make Algeria a “ regional giant » as Boumediene, Belaïd Abdeslam and Bouteflika liked to rehash in turn. Tebboune, who never took part in the war of liberation launched in 1954, was barely nine years old, and therefore had no legitimacy, his sub-prefecture soldier, Saïd Chengriha, never digested his capture in February 1976 in Amgala by the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) while attempting to create subversion in liberated Moroccan territory, two months after the signing of the Madrid Agreement on November 14, 1975 by Morocco, Mauritania and Spain which definitively ended colonization and opened a new era of cooperation and partnership.

Algeria, of which King Hassan II told General de Gaulle in 1960, would be the “ African cancer » therefore returns to his old demons, by creating the myth of a historical enemyMorocco. Everyone knows to what extent she is maintaining such a serious lie to cover up the disastrous crisis in which a morbid military regime is struggling, characterized by a serious and interminable recession, successive queues, corruption scandals within the army, the fierce repression of young people and the people, the sad dismantling of the ideals of what was once called the Algerian Revolution, since betrayed, the exile of young people towards a locked Europe, and then this dementia of a Chengriha who does not give up leading his country and, therefore, the entire region into delirium…

Expansionism has its laws, and the Algerian power does not measure them, carried away in scabrous derision.



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