Marguerite’s adventure within the Star Academy ended on December 28, 2024. The young woman was not convinced when faced with Ulysses, saved for the sixth time by the public, and she had to pack her bags. Three days after her elimination, she gave an interview to Télé-Loisirs and took the opportunity to respond to those who think that she managed to participate in the TF1 show thanks to her brother, Baptiste. Indeed, the latter also works in the musical sector and he even founded his own label: Tigrane Records.
“He’s my family, he’s my brother, he has his job that he chose himself, and I myself chose to participate in the Star Academy,” she recontextualized, assuring that she could only count on herself to embark on this great adventure. On the other hand, Marguerite recognized that it is a privilege to have a loved one working in this same field: “I am extremely lucky that he is there, because now that I am out, it is certain that he will be able to advise me.” The young woman, however, wanted to highlight her desire to get out on her own: “But I am an independent person, and my arrival at the Star Academy, I obtained it by myself, and it “is important to me.” This is not the first time that she talks about the preconceptions that certain people may have about her successes. As our colleagues report, she had already declared, on this subject: “As I grew up in a privileged environment, I am often afraid that people (…)
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