2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: “I hope everyone will go and vote” worry Auscitains

2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: “I hope everyone will go and vote” worry Auscitains
2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: “I hope everyone will go and vote” worry Auscitains

the essential
While the national turnout was 25.90% at 12 noon, in Gers 33.61% of voters had already turned out this Sunday, June 30, to fulfill their civic duty.

8am. The doors of the Auch polling stations open. Already, a few citizens are arriving at the polls. “For the moment it’s going well, there are people and it’s quite regular” rejoices Romain, employee of the demonstration service of the city of Auch and reception agent of the Ernest-Vila site.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in Gers: who are the candidates and what are the issues in each constituency?

Many Gersois went to the polling stations early in the morning to choose their candidate. This is the case of Cécile, 42, a marketing manager who went to the Ernest-Vila polling station. “It’s nice to come a little before noon” she said with a smile, also congratulating the number of voters. Given the short time frame of the elections, Cécile sees no problem, “I’m doing my duty, on Sunday we have time”.

The people of Auch went to vote in the first round of the legislative elections.

Many young people also joined the polling stations. “I hope everyone will go and vote, it’s important,” worries Julie, 18, who slipped her ballot into the ballot box for the second time since she came of age. A political maturity that we find in Séléna, “I am very stressed because I think that it is the election which has the most at stake”.

An increase in the participation rate

The stakes of this first round of legislative elections, at the end of which the deputies of the two constituencies of Gers will be known, affect the people of Auch.

#Legislative2024 | Participation rate at 12:00 p.m.

In the #Gersthe participation rate at 12:00 p.m. stands at 33.61% (25.90% nationally).

The department’s 511 polling stations are open until 6:00 p.m.

? https://t.co/G6xLD9cP6A#let’svote ?️ pic.twitter.com/w9t0kyaSiV

— Prefect of Gers (@Prefet32) https://twitter.com/Prefet32/status/1807354045339779384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

At 12:00, the Gers turnout was 33.61%, compared to 25.90% at the national level. In the 2022 legislative elections, the turnout was 24.86% at 12:00 in the first round.

A new organization

Since the 2022 legislative elections, some changes have taken place. 16 polling stations are deployed in the Gers capital, compared to 14 previously, within 4 sites. Across the department, 511 polling stations were opened.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in the Gers: discover the names of the candidates in your constituency

Voters are also more numerous. For these exceptional elections, 148,125 citizens are registered, compared to 145,082 in 2019.



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