Is there any Amoco oil storage under the Moulin de la Rive car park in Locquirec?

Is there any Amoco oil storage under the Moulin de la Rive car park in Locquirec?
Is there any Amoco oil storage under the Moulin de la Rive car park in Locquirec?

The study conducted by Gildas Kernaleguen, a landscape designer who also produced a landscape and safety outline that was unanimously approved by the commission led by Estelle Forget, deputy, as well as local residents, some locals mentioned the presence of waste from beach cleaning during the sinking of the Amoco Cadiz. The official BRGM website that carried out the inventory of oil spill waste storage sites is not precise since it indicates that the area is classified as a small storage area for shipwreck waste but with uncertain implementation.

Before starting the development work, the council has therefore decided to carry out a diagnosis of the subsoil. This will be carried out by the company A & T Ouest for an amount of €3,300 excluding VAT, to which should be added €642 in sampling costs. The topographical survey of the site and the preliminary project estimate will amount to €4,225 excluding VAT.

Regularization of the building permit for the SNSM premises

The municipal council voted to regularize the initial building permit for the SNSM station. “This is a regularization,” explained the mayor, which comes after the Rennes administrative court examined a local resident’s appeal. On October 23, 2021, the mayor granted his municipality a building permit “for the reconstruction to bring up to standard, after demolition, of the marine rescue premises” located at the entrance to the pier.

According to the owners of the neighboring house, “a real estate company,” the new, larger construction would obstruct their sea view. They had also pointed out a lack of parking spaces. “In this 25-page file, all the arguments were rejected by the court,” said the mayor. The only element retained was that concerning the building permit: Mayor Gwénolé Guyomarc’h had not been authorized to file the building permit by his municipal council. The council therefore authorized the mayor to file a regularization permit. At the court level, the decision, which had been deliberated on June 21, 2024, will be rendered in the coming weeks.



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