“I thought it was fun and then I saw that they kept shouting louder and louder”: a 25-year-old man saves the lives of two teenagers

“I thought it was fun and then I saw that they kept shouting louder and louder”: a 25-year-old man saves the lives of two teenagers
“I thought it was fun and then I saw that they kept shouting louder and louder”: a 25-year-old man saves the lives of two teenagers

Two teenagers were drowning.

The tragedy was narrowly avoided. Wednesday June 26, a man of 25 ans was alerted to the screams as he was walking along the Arros river at the level of the commune of Tournay, in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

Alerted by screams

That day, Steven Sanchez was alerted by incessant childish cries, far away, he tells BFMTV. “I thought it was just fun and then I saw that it kept screaming louder and louder”he explained. He finally climbs the mound that separates him from the watercourse and discovers two teenagers in great difficulty in the riverFearing that they would drown, he jumped into the stream to help them.

The little brother had already tried to save his sister

The little one was calling me for help and I went down. I quickly jumped into the water and went to get her.”, he indicated. The teenager’s brother, aged 12 ans, had already tried to rescue her big sister (14 ans). Unfortunately, he was also caught in the current. He was only able to return to the opposite bank when his sister was out of danger, Steven Sanchez explained.

“When we see a person drowning we are not going to leave them”

The Lannezeman firefighters (Hautes-Pyrénées) praised the young man’s braverywhich tempers: “We remain human beings and of course when we see someone drowning, we are not going to leave them. If today we can no longer do that for others, then what kind of world are we living in?”he told BFMTV. The captain of SDIS 65, Bertrand Mena, called for caution this summer on the BFM set. “The sunny days are coming back and allowing people to get closer to natural environments to dare to go swimming.”

As a reminder, last summer in France, no less than 1,300 drownings were recordedtaking away 361 people who did not survive.



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