Rocher eliminated, the summary of the 2nd day

Rocher eliminated, the summary of the 2nd day
Rocher eliminated, the summary of the 2nd day

Already some real surprises this Monday at the Mondial La Marseillaise, with the elimination of Dylan Rocher but also Ligan Doerr and Gilles Gayraud.

Yesterday, all the favorites slipped through the net. This Monday, for the second day of the World Cup La Marseillaise, we are entitled to the first earthquakes! We take stock of the course of the headliners. In Marseille, we are at the stage of the 1/32e final.

Exit the Rocks!

Like last year, Dylan Rocher sees his Marseille adventure end earlier than expected. A year ago, he was alongside Robineau and Rizzi, with the label of big favorite. This year, “Dydy la Foudre” played it with his family. With his brother Mendy and midfielder Philippe Zigler, his journey ends this Monday evening. However, facing the Turchi trio, Rocher led 12-5… only to finally lose 13-12!

Doerr out and Gayraud defeated by Puccinelli

For Jean Feltain and Moïse Helfrick, the meeting with the 32e final is assured. Last year’s finalists have overcome the obstacles. Especially during this great match against Pierre Maurel, Kévin Prud’homme and Ligan Doerr. The magic trio of Jean-Michel Puccinelli, Ludovic Montoro and Benji Renaud continues to revive the good memories of their victories in 2020 and 2021. They are now qualified for Tuesday, after eliminating the triplet of Gilles Gayraud, double winner at Parc Borély.

The headliners are there

The defense of the trophy continues for David Riviera, Mickaël Bonetto and Mayron Baudino, the title holders separated into different formations this year. The same goes for Patrick Messonnier, solid with Kévin Philipson and Yohann Cousin. Tomorrow, we will see the Quintais generation, Suchaud and Marco Foyot. The latter took out Antoine Cano on Monday evening. From the start tomorrow morning, we will be treated to some great oppositions, in particular this duel between Molinas and Puccinelli. We are getting into things more and more serious…



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