a surprising agreement in the event of Donald’s victory in the presidential election – La Nouvelle Tribune

a surprising agreement in the event of Donald’s victory in the presidential election – La Nouvelle Tribune
a surprising agreement in the event of Donald’s victory in the presidential election – La Nouvelle Tribune

The future of Melania Trump as first lady seems to be taking an unexpected direction, away from the traditionally omnipresent role at the White House. According to close sources, she has reached an agreement with Donald Trump not to take on the role of first lady full-time if he wins the presidential election in November 2024. The decision would mark a significant shift from usual expectations.

Already withdrawn from her husband’s election campaign, Melania Trump seems determined to devote time to her son Barron, who will begin his university studies in New York from September 2024. The agreement provides that Melania could live between New York et Washingtonproviding crucial support to Barron during this critical time in his life.

The importance of staying close to her son appears to be at the heart of the decision. Melania Trump, described as an extremely protective mother, wants to provide the necessary maternal presence for Barron, especially in a potentially stressful context where he could become the son of a president in a predominantly Democratic town.

This lifestyle choice also reflects a concern for Barron’s well-being, away from the media spotlight and political pressure. Melania Trump reportedly delayed her move to the White House during the previous election to allow Barron to finish his school year without interruption. The move reflects her commitment to her son’s well-being, a priority that seems to take precedence over any other political or social commitments.

By recently refusing to allow Barron to get involved politically by becoming a delegate for the Republican Party in Florida, Melania Trump would have expressed a clear desire to protect her son from prying eyes and the intense media pressure that surrounds American political life.

So, if Donald Trump were to be re-elected, Melania Trump envisions a different role as first lady, focused on protecting and supporting family rather than the traditional obligations of the office.



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