An Olympic day for children

An Olympic day for children
An Olympic day for children

Pierrefort. Children’s Olympic Day. The time for the Olympic and Paralympic Games is approaching. Among the first municipalities to be labeled “Land of Games 2024”, in support of Paris’s candidacy, Pierrefort did not fail to renew, after last year’s success, the celebration of Olympic Day. And because you don’t change a winning team, the volunteers met up at various meetings to prepare for the big day around the mayor, Philippe Mathieu, the deputy in charge of sports, Jérôme Vidalenc and the municipal councilor Alain Rieutort, who also won the Youth and Sports and Commitment medal.

Thanks to the dedication of all the enthusiasts, all the students from the first year to the third year e as well as the residents of the medical reception establishment were able to participate, over the course of a day with somewhat unpredictable weather, in various sports workshops. “Disabled sports” workshops such as wheelchair throwing or a visually impaired course also made it possible to raise children’s awareness of disabilities.

This day was an opportunity to light the Olympic cauldron and each champion received a medal offered by the municipality which offered refreshments between two workshops as well as a stand run by volunteers from the Montrozier club and Pierrefort Détente.



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