Traveling by public transport will cost you more from July 1

Traveling by public transport will cost you more from July 1
Traveling by public transport will cost you more from July 1

New changes in public transport in Toulouse. On the price side, certain Tisséo prices will increase in the pink city. Good news already, the price of a single ticket remains unchanged at 1.80 euros. But the 10-trip ticket goes from 15.10 to 15.40 euros (the reduced rate increases from 11 to 11.20 euros).

The seven-day subscription increases from 16.80 to 17.20 euros. The 31-day subscription increases by one euro, from 56 to 57 euros. The annual cash subscription shows a nice increase from 568.40 to 587.10 euros. Finally, as for the monthly payment, it will now cost you 48.90 euros instead of 47.30 euros.

For job seekers, retirees and disabled people, prices will increase slightly. For level 4, transport remains free. For level 1, the 31-day subscription goes from 28 to 28.50 euros, the annual from 284.20 to 293.50 euros and the 10-trip ticket from 8.90 to 9.10 euros.

It changes for young people

Among young people, level 7 scholarship students remain free. For those under 26, non-school and non-students, the monthly subscription increases from 17.20 to 17.70 euros and the annual from 174.60 to 182.30 euros. Non-scholarship students see the seven-day subscription reach a milestone of 13.10 to 15 euros. And the annual subscription from 133 to 154.50 euros.

In the absence of the tram and while waiting for the arrival of line C, Tisséo has also decided to increase the price of the airport shuttle. The single trip remains unchanged at 9 euros. Other prices (six trips and subscriptions) are increasing. The annual cash subscription increases, for example, from 678 to 698.30 euros. Enough to reorganize certain budgets.



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