Joué-l’Abbé. Team Plein Gaz prepares for the 2025 24 Hours Motorcycle

Joué-l’Abbé. Team Plein Gaz prepares for the 2025 24 Hours Motorcycle
Joué-l’Abbé. Team Plein Gaz prepares for the 2025 24 Hours Motorcycle

The Team Plein Gaz 72 association, whose headquarters are in the town, is already thinking about its next participation in the 24 Heures Moto 2025, in June next year.

“After a 24e place out of 49 competitors last April, we set ourselves the challenge of doing better next year, explains Vincent Bridel, the president. And one year is not too long to prepare the motorcycles, between the search for sponsors which must be regularly reactivated and the work of our five mechanics who practice all year round dismantling and reassembling our motorcycles. »

In fact, two identical motorcycles, Yamahas R1are required to access the paddock, even if only one will be at the start. The principle is to enter a single motorcycle, and keep the other, the mule, to use the broken parts during the race. We had a crash after five hours of racing during the last 24 Hours. It took us two hours to repair before leaving: everything had to be replaced, except the frame and the engine.

The budget to participate in such a race is extremely high. Without the passion for mechanics and racing, this adventure could not take place.



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