CISSS de l’Outaouais: years to see a dentist under anesthesia

CISSS de l’Outaouais: years to see a dentist under anesthesia
CISSS de l’Outaouais: years to see a dentist under anesthesia

Imagine having to wait over a decade to see a dentist when your teeth are hurting. This is unfortunately the reality for people with autism or a disability who require dental care under anesthesia at the CISSSO. This is what a users committee is saying which is denouncing the situation.

Tristan, who lives with an intellectual disability, had to have three teeth pulled after not being able to receive dental care for more than 7 years. Isabelle, also suffering from a disability, waited six years before getting an appointment with the dentist, where she had to have six teeth pulled.

Parents specify that their children absolutely must be under general anesthesia to obtain dental care, because they cannot keep their mouth open for long without making sudden movements.

The offer from the CISSS de l’Outaouais is far from meeting demand, according to the two members of the DI-TSA users committee, especially with the decision of the CISSSO to cancel all non-urgent surgeries planned for this summer.

A dentist from a private clinic in Ottawa, which allows children under the age of 10 to obtain this care and be reimbursed by the RAMQ, is hopeful of reaching an agreement to extend the eligibility of his services until 18 years old.

As for the solution for adult clients, the dentist believes that it involves the opening of another private clinic, better access to operating theaters, and, in the longer term, the construction of a future hospital.

The CISSS de l’Outaouais refused TVA Gatineau-Ottawa’s interview request on this subject. In writing, he responds that he is well aware of these issues and says he is actively working on the file to improve access to care for these users, but he specifies that he cannot provide more information before the conclusion of this work.



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