Legislative 2024: what are the different political camps proposing on education?

Legislative 2024: what are the different political camps proposing on education?
Legislative 2024: what are the different political camps proposing on education?

The political parties are back on the campaign trail to early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, decreed after the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron . To see the programs more clearly, France Bleu invites you to take stock of the measures announced to date in the different camps. This article will be updated as the parties unveil their programs.

After the purchasing power, retirees, Security, the environment, culture, end of life And foreign policyfocus with - on education.

The New Popular Front (union of the left)

One of the main measures of New Popular Front (NFP) is the pure and simple repeal of the “shock of knowledge”, a list of measures initiated by Gabriel Attal, supposed to raise the level of students. One of these measures is particularly contested by a very large part of the educational world: the establishment of level groups, in French and mathematics, at college. On the subject, the NFP advocates the preservation of “pedagogical freedom”.

The alliance of left-wing parties also plans to reduce enrollment at 19 students maximum per class in primary school and wants to reinvest in the renovation of school premises. To promote the inclusion of students with disabilities, it proposes creating a dedicated public support service and the tenure of current support workers for students with disabilities (AESH). The NFP also promises to make school completely free: from supplies to the canteen, including transport and extracurricular activities.

The left promises the end of Parcoursup, an admission platform for higher education courses, which is the subject of strong criticism, accused of generating stress and recreating inequalities. The NFP program notably mentions the abolition of selection at university and the introduction of 1 euro meals in university restaurants for everyone and not just for scholarship students, as is the case today. The SNU (Universal National Service) will also be repealed if the left wins the legislative elections.

Finally, regarding teachers’ salaries, the left alliance wants to revalue the salary scales and promises a 10% increase in the index point for all civil servants.

Together (presidential camp)

On education, the presidential camp is mainly based on projects launched or already announced. It still plans to generalize the SNU, in second grade, by 2026. Launched in 2019, it includes a “cohesion stay” and a “general interest mission” and so far only concerns young people volunteers. Last June, the government indicated that the SNU would be integrated into school time from March 2024, with a 12-day internship for second-year students who would volunteer.

The outgoing government also intends to strengthen the integration of disabled students in continuity with what has been done since 2017. In its campaign program for the legislative elections, it also plans “group purchases” of school supplies to reduce the price by up to 15%. This measure has been in the works since last year. The systematic replacement of absences is also promoted by Gabriel Attal, which would therefore go further than what is done today. The government had in fact recorded the revaluation of teachers’ remuneration for replacement hours. Finally, the Ensemble coalition wants to ban registration on social networks before the age of 15, while most platforms have long prohibited the registration of those under 13.

The Republicans

The Republicans defend more autonomy for educational establishments. The right-wing party claims that private education must be “respected”, while its financing is strongly criticized. A parliamentary report published at the beginning of April denounced a lack of transparency in the use of public aid.

The National Rally

On education, the National Rally advocates a “big bang of authority” at school “from the start of September”. He wishes ban cell phones In “all educational establishments“, high schools included. Jordan Bardella also proposes the obligation of teacher dedication, the establishment of “floor sentences in disciplinary councils” and the creation of “specialized centers” for the students “disruptive or harassing“. The boss of the RN said he was in favor of continuing the experiments with wearing the uniform, and “favorable to its establishment in primary school, but also in middle school“.

The party wants to reconnect with the spirit of “Ciotti law of 2010”, repealed under François Hollande, which provided for the suspension of family allowances and school scholarships in the event of absenteeism. This time, serious and repeated disruptions within educational establishments could be punished.

Jordan Bardella’s party wants to reduce class numbers in primary schools by lowering the number of students to 20 maximum. Like the NFP, the far-right party counts repeal the “clash of knowledge” but proposes to rebuild the college, replacing “the unique college by a modular college” in order to “to guide earlier and more effectively”. Jordan Bardella, candidate at Matignon, also defends a national entrance exam into 6th grade from CM2. He wants students in difficulty to be guided earlier towards professional sectors. The RN defends the ban on accompanying school trips to mothers of students who wear the veil.

The RN wants a return to the old L, ES and S series at high school and proposes to establish the primacy of the nationality criterion in the allocation of scholarships and student accommodation. The revaluation of teachers, promised at 3% per year in 2022, “will be updated”, promises the National Rally. But the party also wants to review the status of secondary school teachers, who would be obliged to replace themselves.


In his campaign video, Éric Zemmour, the president of the Reconquête! defends the establishment of level classes in middle and high school from the start of the school year in September.

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