In Savoie, teachers refuse that their college be called Robert-Badinter

In Savoie, teachers refuse that their college be called Robert-Badinter
In Savoie, teachers refuse that their college be called Robert-Badinter

IHe will not take the name Robert Badinter. In Savoie, the department had proposed to the college of Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines to change its name to be renamed in homage to the former Minister of Justice under François Mitterand, and father of the abolition of the death penalty. But teachers do not share this proposal, reports The Dauphiné liberated. The educational staff sent a letter to the department, explaining their refusal, which was read at the plenary session of the departmental council, last Friday June 21.

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“Most teachers do not want the college to be called Robert-Badinter College. Through the name of our college, it seems important to us to highlight an aspect of our natural environment, for several reasons,” it is written.

“It will be more evocative for the students than the name of a personality they do not know. […] The name Badinter unfortunately risks for some students being a little too reminiscent of the name of their favorite supermarket,” they judged.

READ ALSO When Robert Badinter helped François Mitterrand face Valéry Giscard d’EstaingRobert Badinter, a major figure in the fight against the death penalty, died at the age of 95 last February. He will soon enter the Pantheon.



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