Several weeks of disruptions in the Costco sector in Lévis

Several weeks of disruptions in the Costco sector in Lévis
Several weeks of disruptions in the Costco sector in Lévis

Starting Tuesday, July 2, the south side of the intersection of Guillaume-Couture Boulevard and Ernest-Lacasse Street, the street where the Costco store in Lévis is located, will be closed to vehicle traffic for 7 to 9 weeks. Access to buildings and businesses will be maintained, with certain detours that must be well indicated.

The obstruction is due to work on Guillaume-Couture Boulevard, which is continuing to create reserved lanes for public transit and to add sidewalks and bike paths. The work at this intersection aims to replace and extend the La Loupe Creek culvert.

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Traffic on Boulevard Guillaume-Couture will be maintained, but it will be impossible to turn onto Rue Ernest-Lacasse. Detours will be via Rue de Courchevel or Chemin du Sault.

The CLSC de Saint-Romuald will be accessible during the work thanks to temporary access.

On foot and by bike, access will be maintained in all directions thanks to temporary paths.

Traders and workers in the sector hope that the work will not harm them too much, already that the other construction sites on Guillaume-Couture are causing certain challenges. We talk about it a lot, we don’t know how customers will take it, especially since they are already disorientedRébecca Bernier, who is a physiotherapist in a clinic in the area.

Some arm themselves with patience, understanding the need for work. I’ll just leave early. It’s for a good cause, it doesn’t bother me too much, I’m staying seven minutes from herenotes Karine Pigeon, another worker.

It will improve traffic here so there will be less traffic.says a customer she met outside a store.

Bridges closed at the same time?

The daily life The sun unveiled a diagram Friday morning showing that in 2025 and 2026, the periods of lane closures on the two bridges could overlap. The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MTMD) confirms the existence of the graph, but cannot share it, on the pretext that it is a working document.

He also points out that in 2024, other lane closures are expected between now and November. For example, some work on the Quebec Bridge will result in partial or complete closures at night, as part of the reconstruction of the deck.

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The deck of the Quebec Bridge must be redone (archive photo).

Photo : Radio-Canada / Frederic Vigeant

And, on the Pierre-Laporte bridge, inspection work will require partial closures. All these obstacles will be announced in due courseunderlines the spokesperson for the ministry, Émilie Lord.



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