Launch of SONIDEP’s upstream oil activities: SONIDEP lays the groundwork for national oil production

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The Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, launched, on Saturday June 22, 2024 in the locality of Hadara, department of N’Gourti, region of Diffa, the upstream activities oil company of the Nigerien Petroleum Company (SONIDEP) which consists of the research and exploitation of the Bilma blocks and the R5, R6 and R7 blocks. With this launch, SONIDEP is taking a new step because, in addition to its traditional mission of selling hydrocarbons, this national company is now involved in the exploitation of oil deposits. A major challenge entrusted to this state company by the President of the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland, Head of State, Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, within the framework of energy sovereignty. At this ceremony, the Prime Minister is accompanied by the Minister of State, Minister of National Defense, Lieutenant General Salifou Mody, several members of the CNSP, the Government, the Governor of the Agadez region and the of Diffa, and group leaders.

The Bilma block located in the North-East of Niger, 1400 km from Niamey, precisely to the East of the Ténéré block and the Agadem block, covers an area of ​​20,795 km². In this block, 43 exploration wells were completed, including 38 deposits discovered. As for blocks R5, R6 and R7 known as block R567, they are renderings of the Agadem block. Research work on a set of 15 exploration wells, including five wells on each of the three blocks, made it possible to discover significant indications of the presence of oil and natural gas.

For the Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance, this historic moment is significant in Niger’s march for the affirmation of its sovereignty, its independence and for the effective resumption of work which will enable the country to achieve progress. qualitative economic development to which all free nations aspire. “It is a great moment of national pride which charts the path for the development of Nigerien expertise in oil exploration and exploitation. It is a great challenge which requires commitment. part of this company of seriousness, integrity, transparency and professionalism and the support of all our compatriots so that the Nigerien flag flies at the great meeting of world oil and gas producers. You have work and you can count on the full support of the Head of State and the government,” said Mr. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine.

The Prime Minister then indicated that the authorities expect the Nigerien Petroleum Company to conduct a societal policy aimed at the well-being of the surrounding populations. “We should no longer have the image of a city like Arlit where, for fifty (50) years, practically nothing was done in terms of infrastructure. I heard what you said in terms of local content, it is very important, it must be implemented,” urged Mr. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine.

Colonel Ali Seibou, CEO of SONIDEP

According to the Director General of the Nigerian Petroleum Company (SONIDEP), Colonel Ali Seibou, the blocks acquired by his company represent an undeniable asset which will make their exploitation a real boon for the development of our country. It goes without saying, added the general director of SONIDEP, that oil exploitation throughout its value chain is a project that requires heavy investments. So, for these projects to be successful and sustainable, he says, it is important to include a local content policy. In this regard, SONIDEP intends to carry out, through the content policy advocated by high authorities, the use of local labor and the participation of national companies in oil and gas activities. “This is a challenge which aims to enhance the technical and economic capacities of these local companies linked to the professional qualification of the workforce,” he underlined. This is why Colonel Ali Seibou seized the moment to greet and express his gratitude to the Chairman and CEO of the Olive Énergie group who was able to align with their policy and vision and with regard to the future of the exploitation of Niger’s oil resources.

For the Director General of SONIDEP, in the medium and long term, it is about bringing local added value, creating local jobs in the oil and gas industry value chain through the use of expertise, as well as local goods and services. But above all, to encourage the development of qualified local labor and develop national capacities in the industrial and gas value chain through training and the transfer of technology and know-how and to promote the strengthening of national competitiveness. “With the activities that bring us together this morning,” continued Colonel Ali Seibou, “SONIDEP, national operator, will undoubtedly take up the challenge and make an appointment in the near future for the reception of its first barrel. I hope that this project entrusted to SONIDEP remains a matter of sovereignty and patriotism of all Nigeriens, as the slogan “Zantchen kassa ne” says,” he hoped.

Colonel Ali Seibou also recalled that in its new vision, Niger has decided to produce its own oil in order to assert its economic sovereignty which is one of the priorities of the CNSP. “On March 2, 2024, the president of the CNSP signed two decrees testifying to this commitment. This followed the signing of production partnership contracts on the Bilma and Agadem blocks on March 25, 2024 between the State of Niger represented by the Minister of Oil and my modest person. The same day, the orders for the granting of the exclusive research authorization give us the right today to be here to launch and immortalize the event,” concluded the CEO of SONIDEP.

According to the Governor of the Diffa region, Brigadier General Ibrahim Bagadoma, the exploitation which is starting will undoubtedly allow Niger to garner significant resources which will make it possible to finance its major development projects. Concerning his region, the Governor hopes that priority will be given to resolving the problem of unemployment which is at the root of the insecurity that the region has experienced for a decade. “This is an opportunity to express, once again, the attachment of the population of Diffa to the ideals of the CNSP and to the development actions carried out by the government that you lead,” he concluded.

As for Brigadier General Ibrah Boulama Issa, Governor of the Agadez region, he expressed the hope that this launch would be beneficial not only to the Diffa region, but also to that of Agadez. And beyond that, that it can generate sufficient and significant resources to achieve the ideals of the CNSP, to achieve the objectives of the Resilience Plan for the protection of the homeland. “I think it is an important factor and lever for the growth of the Nigerien economy,” he stressed.

Unveiling of the inaugural plaque for the work

For his part, the CEO of Olive Énergie, partner of SONIDEP in the work of these blocks, reaffirmed his support for SONIDEP in the next stages. For the little anecdote, the latter recalled that fifty years ago, Dubai was a desert. “It is possible today thanks to the new Bilma and R567 block to reach the levels of other countries. If we tell you that it’s a lost bet, don’t believe it, we will prove it to you together by working win-win with SONIDEP,” he pledged.

During this ceremony, Colonel Ali Seibou handed over pharmaceutical products to the prefect of the N’gourti department, Captain Issoufou Koraou, for the benefit of the district of his department.

Hamissou Yahaya (ONEP), Special Envoy



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