“Even living in Moulins you can succeed”… Coming from this difficult district of Nice, they share their experiences

“Even living in Moulins you can succeed”… Coming from this difficult district of Nice, they share their experiences
“Even living in Moulins you can succeed”… Coming from this difficult district of Nice, they share their experiences

It was with a little apprehension but a lot of pride that Mariana, Aziza, Diana, Aicha and Ethem took the stage to tell their stories. Different stories but a common desire to find their way and, above all, to give themselves the means to succeed.

Because in addition to learning a language, they also set out to find a job.

At the instigation of the Apia association (1), these residents of Moulins agreed to give their testimony and tell what they had accomplished during the event “One voice, one profession” organized in the heart of the neighborhood, in the Jacarandas square.

Exemplary journeys

“The idea was to present these exemplary routes to the residents of the neighborhood and show them that it is possiblesays Hélène, a very active member of the association. To do this, we invited the entire neighborhood to come and attend a kind of interactive round table where everyone was able to present their journey while the public could ask questions.”

Mariana is Italian. She arrived in France in 2014 and she knew “just say hello”. A nursing assistant in Italy, she had to retake her diplomas in France to obtain an equivalence. And she went further since at 50, she is now a nurse. “The Apia association is a real family, it has always been there for me”she smiled shyly.

Ethem comes from Türkiye. At 34, he is proud to have joined school 42 to become a computer developer. In France for 7 years, he learned French with Apia. “I was looking for a place to learn French near my home and I found the association”he says.

More reserved, Aicha and Aziza still overcame their shyness to introduce themselves. The first is 19 years old and has just started a pastry CAP at the CFA de la Métropole after a stint at the local mission. The second is now a commis chef, at 45 years old, thanks to the Cooking Instructions school.

Finally, Diana, a 46-year-old Russian who spoke almost no French a year ago. With fashion in her blood, launched her modeling school. The latter presented her models as well as dresses that she made.

Diana also offered a parade to the residents, showing all of her work. “Even if you live in Les Moulins and have difficulty speaking French, you can succeed”insists Hélène.

1. Autonomy integration pathway association.



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