DIRECT. Euro 2024: the Blues and Mbappé in training… follow Sunday

9:00 p.m.

Let’s go for the matches!


Here is the ranking of the best thirds


The Germans are already hot

Arne Dedert/Icon Sport


Small evening match update

Switzerland, second, faces Germany, first, to take the lead in Group A, while Scotland and Hungary challenge each other for third place. These two matches will be played at 9 p.m.


Kylian Mbappé happy in training



2 suspension matches for Daku

While his country will play for a potential qualification in the round of 16 of the Euro for the first time in its history against Spain on Monday, the Albanian was suspended on Sunday for two matches for his behavior and “a demonstration of an unsporting nature » at the end of the match against Croatia (2-2) at Euro 2024, UEFA announced in a press release.

Training finished for the Blues

The strike exercise is now over for the French attackers. Kylian Mbappé, very vocal in his reactions, ended with a double and a miss.


Camavinga goes out on the lawn in tap shoes

The French midfielder appeared on the pitch in shorts and flip flops but did not train with the group.


Mbappé is now training without his mask

The Frenchman removed his mask and continued his striking exercises. Overall, the Blues were not very successful with very few goals scored.


Kylian Mbappé has fun with the ball


Mbappé changes mask

The French striker seems to have several masks up his sleeve and sometimes changes. He missed a lot of chances in front of goal but managed to score two goals afterwards.


Mbappé still on the pitch

Some starters returned to the facilities while Kylian Mbappé remained on the pitch and did offensive exercises with cross combinations with Giroud, Barcola, Kolo Muani and Zaire-Emery.


A first since 1966 for the Germans?

With two victories in as many matches, Germany has already booked its ticket for the round of 16 of the Euro and can make a splash against Switzerland for the first time since… 1966.


Kylian Mbappé, the masked avenger

Icon Sports
(Icon Sports)


Kylian Mbappé in training, not Camavinga

The Frenchman entered the pitch with his teammates to train wearing his black mask. He takes part in jogging led by Cyril Moine, the physical trainer.

For his part, Camavinga is absent from the session for the moment.


M.Guida on the whistle against Poland


The ranking of the best thirds

As a reminder, the four best third-placed teams will qualify for the round of 16 of the Euro, at the end of the 3rd day of the group stages which starts this Sunday.


Why do the Blues prefer to train in Paderborn rather than Dortmund?

First supposed to train on Monday in Dortmund at Signal Iduna Park, the France team will finally train at 11 a.m. at the Paderborn stadium. An option chosen due to restrictions imposed by UEFA. The body limits the duration of sessions on the pitch of the meeting to 45 minutes, compared to 1 hour usually. A deadline that does not suit the staff of the Blues who are used to setting up 11 against 11 oppositions. The Blues will join Dortmund by bus, and will sleep there the night from Monday to Tuesday.


This is the end of this press conference!

Next meeting for the French team: training, scheduled for 5:30 p.m. in Paderborn.


Clauss raves about Kanté

“He’s amazing. He has incredible game intelligence. He recovers, he projects, he creates opportunities. He is complete, I have rarely seen a midfielder as complete as him. »


Clauss on his 1st Euro: “So nice”

“The atmosphere of an international competition is different. The matches are cleavers. It’s very different from what we know in clubs. It’s very family-friendly, it brings people together, it’s so pleasant to live with. »


Clauss on a potential start against Poland

“I haven’t been told anything, I’m waiting for the lineup like everyone else. There are 25 of us who want to play, it’s boring but that’s it. We are focused on qualification. If I’m on the bench and we qualify, it’s no problem. »


Clauss ‘has no doubts’ about Griezmann

“He is true to himself, he still works as well. He will gain strength. I find that we judge him harshly, we know his qualities, he got us out of so many troubles. I have no doubts about him. »


“Very good Kylian”

“We know Kylian, he is always 100% when he enters the field. I found him very good (during the friendly opposition on Saturday), he got used to his mask. Mentally and physically he is good, he scored, he made people score. Very good Kylian, as usual. »


Clauss’ turn to speak

It’s over for Aurélien Tchouaméni’s press conference. Jonathan Clauss has just taken his place in front of the media.


The Blues “did not speak again” about a joint press release

“The story of the press release? We haven’t talked about it again, it’s a subject that will resurface. I haven’t spoken with the 25 players, I don’t have the arrogance to think we have the same thought because I don’t know. If there is a press release, you will be the first to know. »


Tchouaméni: “Dembélé is a world-class player”

“Ousmane, nothing affects him. He’s a world-class player, he initiates most of our actions. He misses things, that’s normal, it’s his game. We’re very happy with what he produces. »


“Be more clinical in front of goal”

“It’s important to stay optimistic. We create opportunities. We have world-class attackers. They will score and so will we, the midfielders and defenders. Being more clinical in front of goal is an area of ​​progress. »


Tchouaméni on the lack of efficiency of the Blues

“With Real, we were in the same situation in pre-season. We saw what it turned out in the end. We must emphasize our defensive solidity, it is essential to win a title. We have no doubt. We will have to make our task easier by converting our opportunities. »


Tchouaméni reassures about Griezmann

“He’s fine, maybe he slept a little badly because he lost in NBA 2K against Kylian (laughs). He is an essential player for us, the custodian of our game. He is an exceptional player. RAS. »


Tchouaméni speaks about his convalescence and competition with Kanté

“We had a discussion with the coach. The goal was to be ready for the second game. I felt very good very quickly. I tried to come back earlier. When I look at N’Golo’s performances, I am the first happy because I want to win this competition. The coach will have choices to make, we’ll see what happens. »


“Mbappé wants to play the next match”

“He wants to play the next match. He is starting to get used to the mask. He would have preferred to do without it. We know he will be ready from the moment he is on the field. »


Tchouaméni “had fun” with Kanté against the Netherlands

“He is still playing at a very high level. It’s been a long time since we played together. I had a lot of fun growing with him. I hope things continue to go well throughout the rest of the competition. »


Tchouaméni speaks on the political situation

“I share the point of view of Marcus (Thuram) and Kylian (Mbappé). I hate extremes, I share a message of unity. I encourage everyone to vote. »


Tchouaméni: “I was confident”

“A race against time. We had discussions in Madrid and in the selection. I was pretty confident. The specialists told me it was going to be possible. I’m happy to be available for this competition. »


Tchouaméni expected

The Blues press conference will start any minute. Aurélien Tchouaméni is expected to start.


The offensive difficulties of the Blues


Tchouaméni and Clauss at a press conference

Regarding the Blues’ program, Didier Deschamps’ men will be training in the afternoon at Paderborn. Before that, Aurélien Tchouaméni and Jonathan Clauss will present themselves at a press conference (12 p.m.).



The issues in group A


Hello everyone and welcome to Le Parisien for this new Euro day

Only two matches today, at the same time (9 p.m.). This will be the outcome of Pool A, with Germany-Switzerland and Hungary-Scotland.


Sunday at the Euro

  • This is the start of the third group days at Euro 2024. This evening, at 9 p.m., group A will see its outcome with matches between Germany and Switzerland on one side, then Scotland and Hungary the other.
  • The Blues will be training in public in the city of Paderborn, which hosts them. At 12 p.m., Aurélien Tchouaméni and Jonathan Clauss will appear at a press conference.
  • On Saturday, Kylian Mbappé participated in the entirety of an opposition between the French substitutes against the Netherlands and the young players of Paderborn. With his mask on, he scored two goals.


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