EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “The first time that…”: Pierre Niney will spend a surprising summer with his partner and their two daughters

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “The first time that…”: Pierre Niney will spend a surprising summer with his partner and their two daughters
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “The first time that…”: Pierre Niney will spend a surprising summer with his partner and their two daughters

Guest on the show One-on-one(s) facing Laurie Cholewa, Pierre Niney revealed his program for summer 2024: do nothing! Or almost. The actor of the film 20 years apartcurrently in full promotion of the film the count of Monte Cristo which is a highly anticipated new French film adaptation of the novel by Alexandre Dumas, spoke about the quiet vacation he planned to spend with his wife, the beautiful Australian Natasha Andrews and their two daughters, Lola, born in 2017 and Billie, born in 2019. This new issue of One-on-one(s) is only broadcast tomorrow, Sunday June 23 on Canal +, but Purepeople is already offering you the opportunity to discover an exclusive extract.

Do you manage to do nothing sometimes?“, asks Laurie Cholewa to Pierre Niney. “Yeah it’s funny I was talking about it with a friend yesterday, this summer I’m doing nothing yes, This is the first time I haven’t toured for two months so I sit down and see some friends coming by my place and I love it! explains the actor to be found on June 28 in The Count of Monte Cristo. “I don’t know how to do anything, watch a film, I don’t know how to do anything, go surfing, I don’t know how to do anything, take care of my animals but it’s already a form of mental escape for me so that’s what it is precious but on the other hand it’s true that we really live in an idea of ​​a fairly ‘working’ society and I I’m lucky enough to be able to take two or three four months off, so I love doing that, it’s the great luxury of my job, my great luck too.” he continues.

Pierre Niney and Natasha Andrews live in the countryside with their daughters

Interviewed on the podcast Brilliant blow created by Claire Nouy, ​​Natasha Andrews, companion of Pierre Niney, spoke about their house which is located near Rambouillet, in Yvelines, about sixty kilometers from Paris. A peaceful and calm life where the young woman and her husband cultivate a “permaculture vegetable garden, mushrooms in the undergrowth, to the rhythm of the braying of its miniature donkeys and the collection of fresh eggs“. They also have many animals including chickens, rabbits, a miniature donkey and a Provençal donkey, dogs, cats and turtles.

When I left to live in the countryside, I began to endure Paris and today, I no longer see myself living in the cityconfided the actor to the magazine Psychologies in 2021, I live in a place without anyone around me, I have unlimited time, to the point of exhaustion, to read books, watch films, lose myself in a story… (…) Especially at night , when no one calls me… My great luxury, my great joy, is to be able to choose my moments of solitude“.

Pierre Niney and Natasha Andrews will undoubtedly take the opportunity to relax in their home with their two daughters Lola and Billie this summer…

One-on-one(s) with Pierre Niney facing Laurie Cholewa can be seen on Sunday June 23 on Canal + from 11:45 a.m.

Exclusive comments which cannot be reproduced without mentioning Purepeople



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