Trèbes – Disability awareness day for Alae children

Trèbes – Disability awareness day for Alae children
Trèbes – Disability awareness day for Alae children

Nicolas Martinez, director of the Leisure Center associated with the school (Alae) Carcassonne-agglo of the Ecole des Floralies, organizes, each school year, disability awareness days which are particularly close to his heart.

As part of the call for projects “Being different” led by the CAF, Nicolas Martinez arranged to meet members of the Entre vue audoises association (EVA) and young people from the IME of Pépieux.

Young people from the IME (Medico-Educational Institute) de Pépieux were accompanied by their educators Émilie and Raphaël. Eight young people who play shared sport throughout the year while following ordinary schooling and who represented Aude at the Inter-academics with the Rosa-Parks college in Lézignan-Corbières. Conceal racing, boccia, games seated in wheelchairs, they shared disability awareness actions with the students.

For their part, the members of the EVA association, regulars, offered blindfolded workshops and various visual handicap situations.

By participating in the workshops, the children were able to discover life and sport differently, by realizing the difficulties of people with disabilities.

A book written and illustrated by children

The Floralies school houses a Ulis class (Localized unit for educational inclusion). This is a system which allows the education of students with disabilities in ordinary schools.

After the fresco created, the brush between the teeth, by Arnaud Dubarre, suffering from arthrogryposis of the four limbs which colors the wall of a room in the refectory; a sensory wall to develop the sense of touch; a “power 4” game to play in the playground; this year 2024, a book was written and illustrated by the children.

An official delivery of this work took place, in the presence of Mayor Éric Ménassi and Maryline Cazaneuve, director of the citizenship center (childhood youth-culture) in Carcassonne-agglo.

Cee Cee Mia, comic book scriptwriter and writer was alongside the children. Since January, she has participated in writing the book of poems while Audrey was responsible for the illustration. “The Alae children wrote their own poem in groups of all ages. Which led to numerous discussions and exchanges, each more enriching than the last. points out Cee Cee Mia.

Not only did each “writer” leave with their book, but readers will be able to find copies at the town’s media library, at the Maison des mots trébéenne and in the school libraries at Les Floralies and de l’Aiguille.



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