The confessions of Pita Ahki (Toulouse): “I was afraid that my season was over”

The confessions of Pita Ahki (Toulouse): “I was afraid that my season was over”
The confessions of Pita Ahki (Toulouse): “I was afraid that my season was over”


Thomas Corbet

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 1:40 p.m.

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Essential in Toulouse since his arrival in 2018, Pita Ahki had the misfortune of having to cut short his Champions Cup final and leave injured adductors. Back to training with Stade Toulouse, the three-quarter center confided in Rugby News on his fears of miss the end of the season and the final phase of the Top 14.

Pita Ahki’s fear after her injury

To tell the truth, Pita Ahki is not the only one who broke out in a cold sweat. With him, it was undoubtedly many Toulouse supporters who trembled during the Champions Cup final, when the Tongan international was forced to leave the pitch after around twenty minutes of play.

And if he had faith in his partners to finish the job against Leinster, it was especially for the final phase of the Top 14 that he feared: “I was afraid that my season was over. I was injured for the first seven minutes, I missed tackles that I normally wouldn’t have missed, and I knew something was seriously wrong. I was scared but I also knew that we have players capable of covering my position to win. »

Still in pain last week, and back to a normal training regime a few days before the Top 14 semi-final against La Rochelle, Pita Ahki is now reassured about his ability to hold his place.

This is all behind me. There are big individual issues, and important deadlines coming up. In the back of my mind, I was disgusted because it was really painful. But over the weeks, it got better. I still felt something last week, but everything is fine now!

Pita AhkiToulouse Stadium Center

Training experience and management

Over the years, with time and experience, Pita Ahki has learned to manage her body. In particular to request it in a timely manner, and to take care of it at the slightest alert. He had also arrived in Haute-Garonne delicately with a knee. Uncertain about his condition, he even accepted a lower salary than he could have expected.

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“The MRI scared the club a little. I had some knee problems, but that didn’t stop me from playing for Connacht. Toulouse was afraid of aligning with my previous contract, so I accepted a pay cut,” relates number 12.

“It was still something I couldn’t refuse, because I didn’t have any other offers. But above all I wanted to prove to everyone that I was capable of performing well. The pictures showed one thing, but I know my body. And then, I had my little family, we wanted to experience another life and we have been happy here for 6 years. »

Now, after a slightly more delicate 2022-2023 season, Pita Ahki seems to be back at his best level. Time seems to have no control over him. He laughs about it before explaining his “secret”.

“This season, I think I’m training a little more than the previous ones. But above all, I stretch more! If I could talk to my younger self, I think I would tell him to stretch a lot more. Be careful, don’t train, stretch,” he smiles.

In recent seasons, it has sometimes been said that when Pita Ahki goes, Toulouse goes. And a few days before a Top 14 semi-final, Pita Ahki is doing well. See you Friday evening to verify or not this improvised maxim.

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