Alain Berset: “The Council of Europe is one of the rare international organizations that still functions” –

Alain Berset: “The Council of Europe is one of the rare international organizations that still functions” –
Alain Berset: “The Council of Europe is one of the rare international organizations that still functions” –

Alain Berset, newly elected secretary general of the Council of Europe, wants to restore visibility to the organization. Today more than ever, we need a stronger political commitment to guarantee democracy and the rule of law, he advocates.

“Certain declines in the conditions in which democracy can express itself are worrying,” declared the Fribourgeois at a press conference on Wednesday in Strasbourg, the day after his election as head of the Council of Europe.

For him, the institution must regain political weight to reaffirm the values ​​common to all of Europe. “The Council of Europe functions; it is one of the rare international organizations which still functions today. Because there is no longer Russia. This therefore makes it possible to have work carried out around values”, he estimated Wednesday evening in the 7:30 p.m.

“The role of the Council of Europe is obviously to bring these values ​​to the heart of every discussion or debate at the national and international level. And for that, we need an even stronger political profile,” he said. he continued.

Huge challenges

The former federal councilor thus wants to strengthen political action and rely on a strong network so that the organization regains visibility. It is important that work serving the values ​​that make up the Council of Europe is much more present on the national and international level, he stressed.

>> Read also: Alain Berset will be the new secretary general of the Council of Europe

In this context, three principles must be guaranteed: freedom of expression and opinion, the diversity of political projects and the freedom for citizens to express their vote freely.

Today, the challenges are enormous given the instability and aggressiveness that reign in Europe, he noted, referring in particular to the war in Ukraine. There is also the arrival of artificial intelligence, a real paradigm shift, capable of threatening democracy. In his eyes, possible regulation must be discussed.

“Values-based organization”

“The Council of Europe has enormous power in the diplomatic field,” he said Wednesday evening in Forum. “We know what needs to be done. Now, we must give ourselves the means and tools to move forward with the objectives of supporting Ukraine.”

However, the Council of Europe “is not a security organization nor a political organization”, he said. “It’s truly a values-based organization.”

>> His full interview in Forum:

The objectives of Alain Berset’s mandate at the Council of Europe: interview with Alain Berset / Forum / 6 min. / today at 7:00 p.m.

Asked about the reluctance to implement judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), such as the recent conviction of Switzerland for climate inaction, Alain Berset considers this response worrying. Switzerland will, however, have to comply. “There is always a political discussion which allows us to find a path,” he stressed.

>> Read about it: A parliamentary committee criticizes the ECHR ruling on Switzerland and the climate

“Victory for Swiss diplomacy”

The former socialist minister, 52, also looked back on his election to thank the entire team who supported him during the five months of the campaign. “This election is first and foremost a victory for Swiss diplomacy.” He thanked the Federal Council, in particular the President of the Confederation Viola Amherd and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis. Without forgetting all the teams in Bern and in the representations of the 25 capitals he visited, as well as the Swiss delegation to the Council of Europe.

>> Also listen to La Matinale looking back on his victory:

The appointment of Alain Berset as head of the Council of Europe, a victory for Swiss diplomacy / La Matinale / 2 min. / today at 06:22

“We cannot arrive at such an election without having come into contact with as many people as possible,” he explained in Forum. “It was very intense. I visited 25 capitals, I had hundreds of interviews and discussions with hundreds of parliamentarians and governments.”

Alain Berset is the first Swiss to head the Council of Europe. He will not be a “lobbyist” for Switzerland, he replied to a journalist, but will engage with his Swiss political DNA and his close knowledge of direct democracy. The Fribourgeois will succeed Croatian Marija Pejcinovic Buric on September 18.

ebz/jop with ats



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