This Monday, November 11, 2024, viewers found
Flavie Flament and Julien Arnaud at the helm of Télématin. On this public holiday, the two hosts received Catherine Lara, the famous violinist on the set of France 2. The musician then returned to her brand new show, entitled
Identitiesstaged by the Kumo Company: “We had to do something together, the troupe goes well with the violin,” she explained.
During this interview, she also revealed that she had an astonishing passion for the oceans. “My parents bought a small house, near the beach, in the North. These beaches are magnificent, it inspires me!” she said.
Catherine Lara makes a surprising confession
But now Catherine Lara, recently bereaved, lets go and confides in engaging in a surprising activity: “I only swim naked! For me, a swimsuit is a wet bandage. I prefer not to swim than to swim in a swimsuit. Since I was
3 ansI take off my little swimsuit, I put a little pebble on top, because we were in Étretat on vacationI was going to swim, and that didn’t change”, she blurted.
It didn't take much for Julien Arnaud to have fun with the situation:
“Go to Étretat to see Catherine Lara naked…”he says with a burst of laughter.
Julien Arnaud laughing madly on the Télématin set
This question of nudity, Catherine Lara had already raised it. Indeed, in the 80s, she did not hesitate to appear in Adam and Eve outfit for her songn The naked woman. “Richard Avedon photographed me shirtless for the cover of my record Geronimo”, the singer explained to Paris
Match four years ago. “I also posed for him in a suspender belt and stilettos…”, she explained.
“These unpublished photos are stored in a drawer at home”. Very comfortable with nudity, Catherine Lara does not wish to make it a subject. But she does not hesitate to claim the uselessness of the swimsuit, thus making Julien Arnaud and Flavie Flament laugh a lot, who were left speechless when the singer revealed that she indulged in the pleasures of the ocean without being covered in a jersey. But Catherine Lara has always been a very straightforward artist and frank in her words.