Anne-Sophie Lapix tries everything but E…

Anne-Sophie Lapix tries everything but E…
Anne-Sophie Lapix tries everything but E…

This Monday, June 17, Eric Ciotti was the political guest on the 8 p.m. news on France 2. Faced with Anne-Sophie Lapix, the one who allied himself with the National Rally used the wooden language perfectly on the subject of a question which concerns all French people.

This Monday, June 17, Eric Ciotti was on the France 2 news set after his alliance with the National Rally for the early legislative elections.

The president of the Republicans defended this alliance as a necessity due to the rise of the far left.

Faced with questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix on the RN’s economic measures, Eric Ciotti dodged, showing a certain reluctance to fully commit to the proposals of his new partner.

After several days of suspense and negotiations, Eric Ciotti accepted an alliance with the National Rally after the crushing defeat of his party in the European elections. In total, 62 candidates in the early legislative elections will carry the joint LR-RN label.

This Monday, June 17, the president of the Republicans was invited to the set of the 8 p.m. news on France 2. “The main thing is that we have built this alliance. It’s true that it’s unprecedented. It’s a historic break”he commented to Anne-Sophie Lapix.

Eric Ciotti refuses to consider that he has turned his jacket around

While he holed up in his Paris office for hours under the eyes of journalists who stood idly under his windows, Eric Ciotti explained his choice to form an alliance with the RN. “I wanted it because the moment is serious for the country, under the double threat of the extreme left which, today, is more and more powerful”he declared, believing that Jean-Luc Mélanchon’s party was “complacent with anti-Semitism”.

On the France 2 news set, Anne-Sophie Lapix tried to confront him with his contradictions. “Two and a half years ago, you explained that you would never vote for the RN and that it was the historical enemy of the family…launched the journalist. “I never spoke of a historical enemy”replied the president of the Republicans. Oh yes ! the video runs almost everywhereinsisted Anne-Sophie Lapix.

Eric Ciotti pushed to his limits by Anne-Sophie Lapix

Anne-Sophie Lapix then questioned her guest on a key measure of the National Rally: the reduction in VAT on energy. A cost of 16 billion euros. “Do we have to do it?”she asked. “What we need to do is get out of the European energy market to ensure that we return to autonomous production”replied Eric Ciotti.

However, this response appeared evasive and did not satisfy Anne-Sophie Lapix. Will you vote in favor of this measure?, insisted the journalist. For his part, the former deputy for Alpes-Maritimes never answered the question, suggesting divergences with the economic program carried by Jordan Bardella.



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