Exceptional day and evening at the Tennis Club

Exceptional day and evening at the Tennis Club
Exceptional day and evening at the Tennis Club

The Tennis Club’s end-of-year party brought together parents and children around activities orchestrated by the staff, with Alexandre Taulan, the tennis teacher, and the initiators who organized several workshops: singles and doubles matches, games address with prize delivery. Small gifts of prizes validating the passing of the tests rewarded the youngest.

The atmosphere was festive, even family-friendly, during the evening. Memories, anecdotes and projects passed through discussions around a beer or an aperitif, while waiting to sit down at the table. In our sights, the next season, the reception of future licensees.

Around its president, Serge Gamba, and the office, everyone was able to express themselves, put forward their ideas, their ambitions also for the club, the young people, the seniors, the teams and the very particular spirit of the Tennis club. Around a hundred people around the tables gathered for pleasure, to feast and chat. Young people, old people, even non-players. In these moments, it is friendship that predominates, to feel like a full member of the club. This is also what makes the magic of this association.

Until late at night, we stayed at the clubhouse to end an evening that we would have liked to be endless, with a last drink. Success should still be there for this new year 2024-25.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 32 69 54 72



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