ChatGPT told me when the next BTC explosion will be

ChatGPT expects a good end to 2024!

The cryptocurrency market is bullish and there is no longer any doubt about it. In this sense, the predictions are increasingly positive for ChatGPT with Bitcoin and a multitude of altcoins expected to see their prices increase. But while the overall expected trend is known, when could the next rise in BTC occur? We hear everything from crypto analysts, and here is what ChatGPT offers on this subject.

The AI ​​developed by OpenAI believes that the next big rise should happen soon, but we will probably have to wait until the end of summer. Indeed, since the months of July and August are rather known for being calm, unlike the end of the year, which is historically bullish for Bitcoin.

During the last cycle, in 2020 (halving year), the end of the year brought impressive results with an increase of 27.7% in October. For November (42.95%) and December (46.92%) it was even better.

To go further: here are the predictions for ChatGPT (2024/2025/2030).

These months should be positive for the market!

Thus, ChatGPT is counting on an upcoming movement for the end of the year. Even if there is no certainty about the month concerned, the movement should occur. Moreover, the BTC price will have a wide range of action: September, October or even November.

Discussion with ChatGPT.

Overall, regardless of the month in question, the price objective set by the AI ​​is due to one major element: the acceleration of the adoption of Bitcoin ETFs. The larger the purchases, the more the price of Bitcoin should subsequently increase.

The most positive scenario expects an increase to $100,000. This, in particular because of Bitcoin halving and Bitcoin ETFs. The moderate scenario shared by ChatGPT sets a price target between $70,000 and $85,000.

Currently, the Bitcoin price is right within this price target, but at the low end.

Moral of the story: ChatGPT or endless predictions.


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