a gloubi-boulga of causes for the demonstration against the “extreme right”

a gloubi-boulga of causes for the demonstration against the “extreme right”
a gloubi-boulga of causes for the demonstration against the “extreme right”

Arriving earlier than the others, and dressed in fatigues which emphasize his very overweight, the man waves an Algerian flag above the metro station. “ This flag? It’s to annoy the fascists who hate Algeria, but also Macron who hates us “, he said. Next to him, a group of teacher unionists come to test his sound system. He begins to hum, with a big smile: “ Oh sharia, oh sharia… » Moment of embarrassment before the procession sets off… The teachers immediately interrupt: “ It’s we’re not giving up, we’re not giving up, not oh sharia… You’re saying the wrong thing! » « Ah, I thought… »

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The Parisian fashion show, from République to Nation, was an opportunity to revise old slogans and clichés while adapting them to the political situation of 2024. References to collaboration are everywhere. A young woman is walking around with a photo of the meeting, in October 1940, between Pétain and Hitler at Montoire station on which she has written in pink: “ No Pasaran! » Who is Hitler, who is Pétain? It’s quite vague in his head: “ I would say that Pétain is Attal and Hitler is Bardella. » Then she changes her mind: “ No, it’s Macron and it’s Marine Le Pen… In fact, it’s a bit of everyone at the moment. » An old man holding up a sign « Bardella, Laval, same fight ” explain ” wanting to hit hard like with CRS-SS in 1968 “.

We took out the badges “ Do not touch My friend “. Attac sent feminists in overalls to remind us that “ gender-based and sexual violence is linked to far-right ideology “. Second moment of embarrassment… A demonstrator retorts that the New Popular Front has nominated Adrien Quatennens, outgoing deputy from the North, convicted of domestic violence. “ Yes, well, except him, what… »

In this gloubi-boulga of various angers, of calls “ at the end of state domination and capitalist exploitation », uninspired puns and poor rhymes (“ Bardella, get out of there! “), merguez stands (the one near the Cirque d’Hiver, guaranteed 100% halal, granted discounts at the end of the procession), less legal but not very discreet businesses (the sale of cannabis has done well on the Émilienne-Moreau-Évrard terrace near Place de la République), the pro-Palestinian cause seems the most unifying. We come to denounce the RN and we call “ from Paris to Gaza to the intifada “. A recently executed tag on Boulevard du Temple claims “ the armed struggle in Palestine and France “. Palestinian tricolor flags are in the majority.

We come to denounce the RN and we call “from Paris to Gaza to the intifada”

An American couple leaves the Crowne Plaza hotel, right on the square. “ They’re protesting against Israel, right? » they ask themselves. A demonstrator, wearing a small FSU teaching union pin in his lapel, tries to explain to them in very broken English: “ Racism… everywhere… France, Israel… » and blurts out, taking on an informed look: “ Soon America! » (“ America soon! “). Husband shrugs: “ The metro is not on strike, I hope? »



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