Algeria fails to convict MAK leader Aksel Bellabbaci in France

Algeria fails to convict MAK leader Aksel Bellabbaci in France
Algeria fails to convict MAK leader Aksel Bellabbaci in France

The number 2 of the Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylia (MAK), Aksel Bellabbaci, who lives in France, was subjected to pressure from the Algerian regime on France. The figure in the fight for self-determination of Kabylia was arrested by the French police before being released. The Algerian regime was jubilant, but the recess was short-lived.

He is the other figure of the MAK abroad after Ferhat Mehenni, this peaceful organization which demands the independence of Algeria and which has just proclaimed its independence, or rather its rebirth as a State, on April 20 New York.

Aksel Bellabbaci was summoned by the French police and placed in “judicial detention”, because of pressure from the Algerian regime which pursues its adversaries as far as France. His arrest followed a meeting between Algerian and French presidents Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Emmanuel Macron in Bari, Italy on the sidelines of the G7 Summit.

The independence activist was arrested and placed in police custody for one night, we learned, after an international arrest warrant issued against him by Algeria. The Algerian regime accused the activist of being behind the 2021 forest fires, which cost the lives of several hundred people in Kabylia.

As a reminder, the Algerian regime had also accused Morocco of being behind these fires started in a completely natural way. At the time, several fires had broken out throughout the Mediterranean and the Algerian regime, not having Canadairs or adequate bombers, had refused aid from Morocco and had waited for European aid for several days instead of intervene directly, causing significant human losses.

The Algerian regime took advantage of the opportunity to justify the classification of the MAK as a terrorist organization, while the MAK requested an independent international investigation to determine responsibilities.

Also president of the Kabylie football federation, Aksel Bellabaci has lived in France for several years and is still awaiting his political refugee status requested from the High Commission for Refugees.

Aksel Bellabaci was welcomed upon his release from police custody by the president of MAK, Ferhat Mehenni, and by several dozen senior executives and activists of the movement in France, indicates Maghreb intelligence.

Following these events, the MAK called for a gathering of its activists in the afternoon in front of the Paris Court to denounce the persecution to which its members are subject. Note that Algeria had, in an authoritarian turn, pronounced 53 death sentences against MAK activists including Ferhat Mehenni.



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