Emmanuel Macron will hold a press conference in the afternoon…

Emmanuel Macron will hold a press conference in the afternoon…
Emmanuel Macron will hold a press conference in the afternoon…

Socialist Party, Communist Party, Ecologists and France Insoumise called on Monday to “join the processions” planned this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires who want to “demonstrate as widely as possible possible “.

These five trade union organizations had called earlier in the evening, in a joint press release, to demonstrate this weekend “to support the need for alternatives for progress for the world of work” ahead of the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 .

“Our Republic and our democracy are in danger”, warn these unions of the risk of a victory for the extreme right in the election.

Thousands of people gathered Monday evening in several cities in France to express their opposition to the far right which, they denounce, finds itself “at the gates of power”.

Place de la République in Paris, several thousand people according to an AFP journalist – 3,000 according to the police headquarters –, including many young people, gathered from 8 p.m., shouting, middle fingers raised: “Youth fuck the National Front” or “Everyone hates Marine Le Pen”.

The head of state’s risky bet does not gain consensus among the Macronists. But what strategy does the head of state have in mind? Attempts to answer in this article by our journalist:

On the left, the cards were reshuffled Monday evening. PS, EELV, PCF and LFI called for “the constitution of a popular front” and indicated that they wanted to “support unique candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections, in a press release also signed by Place publique and Générations.

The signatories also called to “join the processions” planned this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires and to “demonstrate widely”.

Emmanuel Macron is due to hold a press conference this Tuesday afternoon, two days after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. 19 days before the first round, the Head of State returns to the exercise of the high mass of questions and answers with journalists, a way of appearing as the true leader of a majority in great danger.

Hello everyone. The writing of 20 minutes is once again mobilized to allow you to follow the legislative campaign. This will be the shortest in the history of the Fifth Republic. The first round will in fact be in less than three weeks, on June 30, and the second on July 7. The political class has therefore been active since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly on Sunday evening by Emmanuel Macron.



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