The FAF denounces manipulation

The FAF denounces manipulation
The FAF denounces manipulation

A strange press release announcing the departure of Vladimir Petkovic circulated today, the FAF denounces a grotesque attempt at manipulation.

This false press release, which perfectly resembled the official press release, announced a termination of the contract of coach Vladimir Petkovic by mutual agreement with the FAF.

It was broadcast via a fake Twitter account of the president of the federation Walid Sadi.


The Algerian Football Federation denounces the unfortunate smear campaign orchestrated against the national team using fake accounts on social networks to carry out their hideous propaganda for ulterior purposes.

At a time when the national team is gradually regaining its stability and performance, this apparently displeases certain circles known for their grotesque actions and attempts at destabilization.

The Algerian Football Federation reassures fans of the national team that the staff led by the national coach, Mr. Vladimir PETKOVIC has the full confidence of the federal body and will support him until the end to help him achieve the objectives traced.

The Algerian Football Federation will spare no effort to preserve the stability of the national team and will prosecute the author of the false account.




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