A €20M Italian attacking midfielder in Longoria’s sights?

Olympique de Marseille finalizes the final details of Roberto De Zerbi’s future contract. Olympian leaders are also working in parallel on the transfer window. An Italian attacking midfielder would be in particular in OM’s sights.

Roberto De Zerbi is not yet officially the OM coach. The signing of the Italian coach could be made official soon. Final details are still being discussed but there is no doubt that the former Brighton technician will be the next coach of Olympique de Marseille.

Also read: Official for Vitinha, Ndiaye on departure… The OM transfer window tables for June 21, 2024!

Andrea Colpani targeted by OM?

The latter also seems to have already worked on the outlines of his future team with the Marseille leaders. According to information from journalist Gianluca Di Marzio, OM would be strongly interested in the Italian attacking midfielder, Andrea Colpani (25 ans).

Author of 8 goals and 4 assists during the 2023/2024 season, the slender Monza player is valued between 18 and 20 million euros. Negotiations have not yet started but interest is strong on the Marseille side.

Also read: Mercato OM: this is confirmed for Brassier and Ndidi!



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