“a big wavering since last night” within La France insoumise

“a big wavering since last night” within La France insoumise
“a big wavering since last night” within La France insoumise


Ukraine: Zelensky hopes for “just peace as quickly as possible” at the summit in Switzerland

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his hope on Saturday to achieve “a just peace as quickly as possible” at the start of the first Ukraine peace summit being held in Switzerland, without Russia. “Whatever is agreed ( at this summit) will be part of the peacemaking process that we all need,” Mr. Zelensky said, adding: “We will see history being made at this summit.” Some 90 countries are participating but this summit displays measured ambitions in the absence of Russia and China. “Together we are taking the first step towards a just peace,” said the Ukrainian president, adding that “the world is stronger” than Vladimir Putin. But the Russian president on Friday set de facto Ukraine’s surrender as a condition for talks. Demands rejected by kyiv and its allies, like the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni on Saturday who described them as “propaganda”. “The fact that Putin presented this stupid peace proposal yesterday shows that he is clearly panicking”, also affirmed the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, during his arrival at the Summit. Ukraine arrives “in a position of strength” at the summit after the G7 meeting, the agreement in principle of the 27 to the opening of EU membership and NATO’s decision to directly pilot military support for Ukraine, Finnish President Alexander Stubb told journalists. “Making history is probably a big word, but we have to start writing it,” he said. Swiss President Viola Amherd, alongside her Ukrainian counterpart, is already looking further than this weekend. “We can prepare the ground for direct discussions between the warring parties, she explains. “If we want to inspire a peace process, Russia must also be involved at some point. This is clear to everyone,” she said. A second summit is planned, in which kyiv hopes that a Russian delegation will participate. “The next conference should absolutely not take place without Russia. We must talk to the enemy.” , launched Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar. To gain maximum support, the Swiss tried to invite as many countries as possible, not without difficulty. Among the emerging Brics countries, only Saudi Arabia is sending his head of diplomacy. Brazil, India and even South Africa have lower-ranking envoys. Beijing does not intend to send an emissary in the absence of Moscow. – Prisoners and deported children – The meeting, which is being held in the ultra-chic resort of Burgenstock, perched above Lake Lucerne, will begin with a plenary session on Saturday late afternoon, followed by dinner. The final declaration is still under discussion. Switzerland has acceded to certain requests from Mr. Zelensky and his allies, according to the Swiss agency Keystone-ATS, citing a well-informed Ukrainian source. The term “Russian aggression” and “territorial integrity” of Ukraine would thus be in the latest version of the draft declaration. On Sunday, three subjects will be discussed in working groups: nuclear safety, freedom of navigation and food security, and humanitarian aspects , notably the fate of Ukrainian children deported to Russia. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris denounced this “theft of children”, indicating that he expected their deportation “to increase as the summer months approach, when we hear disgusting references to vacation programs in Russia.” Ukrainians are demanding the return of nearly 20,000 minors “deported or forcibly displaced” to Russia. One of the major themes is to see “how we can bring back deported children” thanks to the help of other States or international organizations, declared Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice. In Ukraine on the eastern front of Donetsk, where violent fighting is taking place, soldiers are doubtful about this great diplomatic rally, just like the experts. In Lucerne, located a few kilometers from Burgenstock, dozens of people gathered, carrying Ukrainian flags, to demand more efforts for the release of Ukrainian prisoners of war. Origin from Mariupol, Hanna, who does not want to give her name because her husband was captured two years ago, came from Sweden: “I can’t say that I am very optimistic, but I expect results. There may be exchange processes for prisoners of war,” she told AFP. – Billions and alliances – US Vice President Kamala Harris, who represents President Joe Biden returned to the United States after the G7 in Italy, came to the summit with aid of more than 1.5 billion dollars, mainly for the energy sector and for humanitarian aid. Volodymyr Zelensky, who arrived on Friday evening, has just spend the last few weeks pleading his case around the world and from the G7 to Italy with a loan of 50 billion dollars in his pocket. The funds will be guaranteed by the interest that will be earned on Russian assets frozen since the start of the invasion. For Vladimir Putin, it is “a theft that will not go unpunished.” The Ukrainian president also signed security agreements with the United States and Japan on the sidelines of the G7, and is once again receiving weapons from the United States after long months of waiting which put his army in great difficulty. Finally on Friday evening, the 27 gave their “agreement in principle” to the opening of negotiations for accession to the EU.burs-apo/vog/ lpt



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