LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: in Paris, for the anti-RN mobilization, “the weather is really right-wing” – Libération

LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: in Paris, for the anti-RN mobilization, “the weather is really right-wing” – Libération
LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: in Paris, for the anti-RN mobilization, “the weather is really right-wing” – Libération

“Grenoble, Grenoble, antifa!” Behind the banner of the Isère inter-union association with its clear slogan, “unity against the extreme right”, Several thousand demonstrators demonstrated in the city center of Grenoble, in light rain. Young people, the majority, are giving their voice: “Grenoble, Grenoble, antifa!” Or “resistance to fascist”. However, we are far from a tidal wave, as the demonstration gets underway. The departmental secretary of the CGT, Nicolas Benoît, shares his initial state of mind: “Worry.” He hopes for a demonstration bringing together 5,000 to 7,000 people. “We will be less than in 2002, but we want to make it clear that the prospect of the extreme right taking power is dangerous for our freedoms, for all workers, for our social gains.” Beyond that, the inter-union wants to rely on this mobilization “to call for a coming together of progressive forces. There is no need to procrastinate: it would be irresponsible to let the RN come to power.” Same warning from Yann, Snep departmental co-secretary: “The union forces were able to unite around the fight over pensions, the left-wing parties had not followed, and it’s dramatic… So we welcome the creation of the New Popular Front, we try to be optimistic, and we tell them: “You are forced to unite, and not only for this election, but also to govern.” By François Carrel in Grenoble



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