“We believe you, we support you”: In Geneva and throughout Switzerland, feminists shouted their anger

“We believe you, we support you”: In Geneva and throughout Switzerland, feminists shouted their anger
“We believe you, we support you”: In Geneva and throughout Switzerland, feminists shouted their anger

Published on June 14, 2024 at 8:41 p.m. / Modified on June 14, 2024 at 10:54 p.m.

“Patriarchy you’re screwed, feminists are in the streets”: From Geneva to Buchs, from Schaffhausen to Bellinzona, a purple enthusiasm pierced the gray sky on Friday evening. Thousands of people took to the streets at the call of the Feminist Strike collectives. Every year, since the big strike of 2019, the collectives have organized a demonstration. In Lausanne, the day of mobilization began at the University, which hosted round tables and workshops. A large demonstration started from the Place de la Riponne while a national demonstration took place in Bern.

In Geneva, the procession brought together between 6,000 and 8,000 people according to the police, and between 25,000 and 30,000 according to the Geneva feminist strike collective. The rally began at 3:24 p.m. at Parc des Bastions, during the cry for equality: the time symbolizes the time at which women stop being paid due to wage inequality. “This disparity has not reduced in recent years, and therefore, unfortunately, we always make this cry for equality at the same time,” regrets Françoise Nyffeler, member of the collective. Among the demands, feminist groups strongly denounce “the constant and worrying number of feminicides”. The French-speaking coordination of the Feminist Strike counted 21 in 2023 and seven since the start of 2024 and is calling for “real measures to fight against this scourge”.

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