pay attention to the closing time in your municipality

pay attention to the closing time in your municipality
pay attention to the closing time in your municipality

French voters are invited to vote for the European elections this Sunday June 9, 2024. But where are the polling stations and what times do they close?

The French go to the polls this Sunday, June 9. After several months of campaigning, today is the day when the European elections are being held. Two options are available to voters to participate in the vote which will determine the composition of the European Parliament: go to the polls themselves or make a proxy. In both cases, the voter or person entrusted with a proxy must go to a polling station.

Many polling stations are set up in the municipalities to allow French people registered on the electoral lists to participate in the vote, but each voter is expected in a specific polling station whose address and number are indicated on the electoral map. Voters must also respect the opening and closing times of polling stations.

Find the address and hours of your polling station

What time do polling stations open?

All polling stations in France open at the same time this Sunday, June 9: at 8 a.m. There is no point in getting there early. If early voters will slip a ballot into the ballot box first thing in the morning, participation in elections is generally higher in the second part of the day. Polling stations are indeed open for a large part of the day to allow as many people as possible to vote and to combat the phenomenon of abstention.

What time do polling stations close?

Although the opening hours are the same for all polling stations, they do not all close at the same time. At the earliest, polling stations close at 6 p.m. this Sunday. But the closing time may be extended in certain municipalities, particularly in large cities, until 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. depending on the decisions of the municipalities and prefectures.
The general rule is that polling stations close at 6 p.m. in rural areas, at 7 p.m. in larger cities and at 8 p.m. in very large cities such as Lyon, Marseille or Paris. The closing times of all polling stations in France are available on and can be consulted using our search engine at the top of this article: simply enter the name of the municipality concerned.

How to find your polling station?

Several polling stations are set up in each municipality on election days, but each voter is expected in a specific polling station, the address of which is indicated on their electoral card. If a voter no longer has their electoral card, they can always find out the address of their polling station from their town hall or more quickly on the site using the search engine located at the top of this article. Simply enter your city to find the addresses and hours of polling stations.



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