Son of US elected official makes faces behind his father as he defends Donald Trump

Son of US elected official makes faces behind his father as he defends Donald Trump
Son of US elected official makes faces behind his father as he defends Donald Trump

A moment of levity in the House of Representatives. A little boy stood out in the American Congress on Monday during the speech of his father, elected Republican John Rose. He returned to the microphone on the conviction of Donald Trump by the New York criminal court in the Stormy Daniels affair. His son, Guy, probably overcome by boredom, then began to make faces during his father’s intervention, sticking out his tongue and making gestures with his hands.

A moment that did not go unnoticed, in a place where seriousness is required. “This is what happens when I tell my son Guy to smile on camera for his little brother,” explained the representative, after speaking. The little boy, aged 6, accompanied his father after school.

Trump convicted, a first in American history

Despite his son’s grimaces, John Rose spoke on a very serious subject, criticizing the conviction of the former Republican president. According to him, former presidents should benefit from immunity.

Donald Trump was found guilty Thursday at his criminal trial in New York, a first for a former American president and an earthquake for the billionaire who says he is “innocent” and intends to return to the White House. This unprecedented verdict, with unpredictable political consequences, will not prevent the Republican champion from being a candidate in the November presidential election against Democrat Joe Biden, even in the event of a prison sentence.

In a disjointed speech on Friday, Donald Trump described this trial as “very unfair”, even rigged, but without providing the slightest proof. He promised to “appeal this scam” once the sentence is handed down.



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