no one voted for these candidates in the first round, they get 0 votes

no one voted for these candidates in the first round, they get 0 votes
no one voted for these candidates in the first round, they get 0 votes

Far-left, regionalist or “diverse” candidates obtained no votes this Sunday, June 30 during the first round of the legislative elections.

While the evening was a happy one for dozens of candidates elected in the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30, others… did not receive any votes. According to data from the Ministry of the Interior analyzed by BFMTV, 68 candidates ran and obtained 0.00% of the votes. No surprises in this list: none of these candidates is the representative of a major coalition (New Popular Front, National Rally or Together).

>> 2024 legislative elections: the complete results

Unprinted bulletins

These are essentially candidates labeled by the Ministry of the Interior as extreme left (36) or various (10) and who had no chance of being elected this Sunday.

How can this poor performance be explained? The “small” candidates do not have the same means as the big parties: some were therefore unable to print their ballots in order to make them available in the polling stations on election day.

This is the case of the NPA-Revolutionaries party, which states on its website that the “deadlines imposed by Macron in this totally anti-democratic campaign did not allow us to print and deliver the ballot papers and professions of faith”. In several constituencies the names of their candidates were therefore registered by the Ministry of the Interior, but voters could not vote for them.

Faced with this observation, NPA-Revolutionnaires called for a vote in mid-June for Lutte Ouvrière “because they are also workers who carry revolutionary perspectives”.

The situation was similar for the “small” candidates in the European elections on 9 June: several ballot papers were not available and voters had to print them out at home.

With the legislative election campaign being organised in record time after the announcement of the dissolution, some political parties, such as the Animal Party, have chosen not to present candidates.

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