Céline Baudrand (Large families) ready to leave her job after a serious realization

Today at 06:00 – by
Sophie Bongart

It was a very busy weekend for the Baudrands, who had a large number of guests over. But once the euphoria of the party had subsided, Céline was very worried about her health.

As the end of the school year approaches, Céline Baudrand, an emblematic figure of the show Large families: life in XXL, announced great news about her son, Lohan. After overcoming the ordeal of repeating a year, the teenager finally found his way. However, after this announcement, the mother mysteriously disappeared from social networks, thus worrying her subscribers. On June 11, she reappeared to explain her absence. She confided that she had experienced a mishap which affected her greatly. At the same time, Céline faces a period of intense stress as her elders prepare for their first baccalaureate exams. At home, tension is rising for her two teenagers.

Céline Baudrand delighted after organizing a huge party

Céline Baudrand has, once again, deserted her social networks. Back on Instagram, this Monday, June 24, the mother justifies her absence. Everything is fine, even if not very present, because this weekend was crazy. Receiving 50 people is a crazy organization. But, how we love it. But there is also the aftermath: it’s good, everything went well, but wow the comeback, a little slap of fatigue that I could have done without in this month of June”, summed up the accompanying student with disabilities.

Céline Baudrand (Large families): “I’m really suffering”

Her community understood this, Céline and her husband Clément had to manage a large-scale reception at their home. If the head of the family congratulates herself on this success, she deplores that her health problems did not spare her during these few days of celebration. “And then, I won’t hide from you that the pain from my cruralgia has never gone away, or even gotten worse. I have more than seven days of work. An MRI on July 10 will give me clues to get better, because yes, I I’m really suffering but I can’t and don’t know how to stop.”explained Céline Baudrand, who is impatiently awaiting this next medical appointment.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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