Glass soup pot explodes in kitchen: 36-year-old woman seriously burned on genitals

Glass soup pot explodes in kitchen: 36-year-old woman seriously burned on genitals
Glass soup pot explodes in kitchen: 36-year-old woman seriously burned on genitals

the essential
Lisa Palencia, a 36-year-old young woman, was the victim of a serious domestic accident a little less than three years ago. A glass pot exploded while she was cooking. She was seriously injured.

It is a real fight that an American citizen is currently waging against the very famous Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. Lisa Palencia, a 36-year-old nanny, was the victim of a terrible domestic accident, caused by a soup pot that had been purchased at the museum.

The facts took place in November 2021, as indicated by our colleagues from New York Post. At the time, this young woman from Los Angeles (California) was cooking in the home of the family who employed her. A witness claims that the young woman was cooking with a glass soup pot. Suddenly, the pot explodes, spilling its burning contents onto the stove. Lisa Palencia is hit in the stomach, genitals and legs. Pieces of glass also hurt the young woman, under the house’s surveillance cameras.

Since then, the victim has indicated that she wishes to sue the museum. This maintains that the structure which sold this pot did not warn consumers of a potential risk of explosion. “MoMA continues to deceptively market and sell glass cookware, even though it is aware of the danger that these cookware represent,” accuses Lisa Palencia, who says she suffers from many scars in her daily life. The 30-year-old is seeking damages which would take into account the costs of her care. Our colleagues from New York Postclaim that this is a “six-figure” sum.



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