Travelers are still settling in the Créalys zoning in Gembloux: farmers at the end of their nerves

Travelers are still settling in the Créalys zoning in Gembloux: farmers at the end of their nerves
Travelers are still settling in the Créalys zoning in Gembloux: farmers at the end of their nerves

Every year for five years at the Crealys zoning in Gembloux, it’s the same refrain. Travelers settle with their caravans on the agricultural land adjacent to the BEP economic activity park. This Sunday again, three weeks after a first visit, they set up their camp to the great dismay of farmers and self-employed people. They are at their wits’ end as the number continues to increase. “We are not talking about twenty or thirty vehicles but rather 250indicated, on the telephone, Julien Fohal, This time, we’ve had enough! We are going to the mayor with the land owners.”

At 7 p.m., around ten people blocked the street and set up camp in front of Benoît Dispa’s house. The objective was clear: find a solution, and quickly. The mayor of Gembloux arrived a little later, obviously surprised by the welcome.

Everyone explained what they had been experiencing for too many years. “Our crops are ruined as soon as they pass, commented a farmer who preferred to remain anonymous. The grass that we mow at the end of the season is a danger for our cows because of the numerous waste left in the tall grass by these people. They have no respect. In addition to being more and more numerous, they are coming to live with us more and more often, without any rights!” During the discussions, which were tense but respectful, Julien Fohal showed the police officers present that several people were opening his electrical box to plug themselves in. “Now you can catch them red-handed if you leave now. Last year, they broke into my personal electrical box. It cost me €3,500. I filed a complaint. Result: I never heard anything!”

Farmers also no longer know where to turn for compensation. Chickens are stolen, cows die because of the debris in the grass and some land is no longer cultivable after the travellers have passed through. “I’m not even talking about the droppings along the fences, added a farmer. So Mr. Dispa, what do you plan to do?”

No other land

The mayor was as helpless as the people present in front of his home on Sunday. He had no immediate solution to propose other than to negotiate directly with the person in charge of the travelers as recently in Eghezée (but who today have no connection). “It is certain that, for several years, these gatherings have become more and more intense. Faced with such a mass, the police are helpless and the Commune does not have any land to accommodate them. As always, the BEP will take legal action to expel them. But even when it obtains the order, the bailiff will not be able to make them leave given their number. We can therefore only negotiate.” He will again propose to the Region the creation of reception areas in the province large enough to accommodate this small village. “This is the one and only solution for Gembloux. I completely understand the anger of the farmers because they find themselves faced with a fait accompli. I will therefore begin discussions with the travellers and, possibly, subsequently, compensate the farmers and self-employed people.” The latter left their camp around 9:30 p.m., dissatisfied with the discussions. The travelers indicated around 10 p.m. that they did not intend to move unless the mayor found them another site. Which was not in question at the time of closing this edition..



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